
I've been having really odd dreams, and i don't know what they mean, can anyone help me?

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Recently, i've been having odd dreams... they've been happening really frequently, and i don't know if they're a sign or not. what they are is im this little girl that was royalty in the medeival days, and in all of my dreams, i was kidnapped by wales. they're really creepy and dark, another one, my brother was killed and my home was burnt down, nothing like this has ever happened 2 me, but it's starting to wierd me out. and they won't stop coming back into my sleep. do you think they mean anything? or do you think it's just my mind playing tricks on me, i really don't know... help?




  1. when you dream you dream in symbols. these symbols are created in the sub-conscious to help you deal with problems in your life that you can't or won't deal with in the awake state. the first dream indicates that as a child you felt you were supposed to be protected brcause you were a princess. the time perios is irelevant. all girls dream of being a princess. that's where the princess comes in at. but you sweren't protoeocted you were kidnapped. this dream indicates that you feel that you are unprotected  and unloved to a certain extent. this is probably not the truth but it is the way you feel way deep down inside. that people are not there for you when you need them.

    the second dream has to do with your brother being killed and your home mbmeing burned down. this is in a a way reinforcing your first dream. again you feel down inside that you have no one to protect you. brothers ,even younger brothers seem to protect sisters. the house burning indicates that you no longer have a safe place to go since placles we live protect from the outside world. that is why cavemen eventually moved into inside structures, they were better protected that way from bad weather and animals and other people. so what does all this mean??? it means that you are having a problem with self-esteem and vulnerability. what do i suggest to you? i suggest that you might want to talk to someone such as your minister,your priest,your rabbi or a talk therapist until you figure out your life. i wish you many blessings in your life.

  2. It could be that you are stressed or maybe because some abnormal things have been happening in your life recently and it's triggering these dreams. I have gotten weird dreams recently too. I found out that a couple of them actually have meanings. In one dream I had the ability to run across clouds and I had my own fairy palace that had a big waterfall and lots of vegetation. It meant I was more powerful than I thought and that I was the most powerful family member at that time.

    Good luck to ye!

  3. It MIGHT be your mind playing tricks on you. Are you depressed? Maybe you should lighten up. Watch TV. Play video games.  

  4. The dreams suggests you are having some conflicts in your current life.  You feel as if you do really have much control over the situation.  The dreams are indicating to you, you need to make some difficult choices to make some changes in your life.  These changes likely involve some of the people with whom you currently associate.

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