
I've been having this reacurring dream were im drowning....?

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i have it everynight

im at my uncles house with him and some kid (idk who) and all of the sudden he picks me up and throws me off the deck, into the deepend of his pool, and i hit the bottom

im trying to get up but i cant, and i can feel myself sufficating, untill i wake up, right b4 i black out (in the pool) i always wake up taking this huge breath, like i havent taken a breath

what could this mean?




  1. This about your relationship with your uncle, or those in your uncle's family or friends.  Is there ANYTHING in this experience that makes you feel like you are "in over your head" in any way?

    Anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, stressed, afraid?

    Maybe unwanted attention?  Maybe teasing?  Maybe your beliefs being attacked or challenged in a merciless way?

    If you cannot figure it out right now, maybe your next visit will make it clear to you.

  2. Water in dreams usually deals with pornography but I couldn't imagine you doing that, but it can also mean other things like bad habits, I used to have dreams like those because I would make fun of other people, I would regret it at night but I didn't stop, I had more and more gilt and it felt like I was drowning, I ended up asking god to help me at the time.  I stopped hanging out with the people I was at the time and I stopped doing the wrong thing.

    I wasent drowning any more.

  3. Falling is one of the most common nightmares among people of all ages, and may be a reflection of feeling insecure, helpless or of having no support or solid grounding. Some people may actually fall from their beds during this dream.

    Dreaming about drowning is less frequent, and often occurs when a person feels overwhelmed.

    Both scenarios involve life-or-death situations and can be traced to prehistoric origins. Garfield says that dreams of falling reflect a time when our ancestors took risks when climbing trees. Falling dreams of modern day often take place from high buildings, elevators and rooftops.

    Likewise, dreams of drowning go to our inborn need to breathe for survival.

    People often awake to "escape'' the danger in the dreams.

    A person's age and medical circumstances can influence these dreams. Toddlers and young children, as well as older people, are prone to more falls in waking life. People with heart conditions that cause fluid buildup in the lungs or those with severe colds may dream of drowning.

    Feeling overwhelmed, perhaps by work, obligations, or life itself.

    Inundation; too many people making too many demands on the dreamer.

    Dreaming about drowning is common and it invokes fear. However, it may have positive significance. This dream suggests to the dreamer that he may be overwhelmed by unresolved emotions, old issues, or a current crisis. It suggests that a release of the old is necessary in order to emerge and begin anew. This dream serves to awaken the dreamer to embrace and to effectively cope with problems and negativity in his life.

    Dreaming that you are drowning means that you are overwhelmed by emotions or repressed issues that is coming back to haunt you. You may be proceeding too quickly in trying to discover your unconscious thoughts and therefore must proceed more cautiously and slowly. If you drown to death, then is refers to an emotional rebirth. If you survive the drowning, then a waking relationship or situation will ultimately survive the turmoil. Seeing someone drowning in your dream, suggests that you are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control. Alternatively, it represents a sense of loss in your own identity. You are unable to differentiate who you are anymore. Dreaming that you rescue someone from drowning indicates that you have successfully acknowledged certain emotions and characteristics that is symbolized by the drowning victim.

    If there is some area in your life where you are - or feel - unable to "keep your head above water", this is probably what the dream is about. Dreams that follow may tell you what to do about the situation. You can either change the situation or change yourself, so that you react differently, or remove yourself (physically) from the situation.

    Water may be the symbol for the unconscious, so drowning may express a threat or fear of being swallowed up or taken over - overwhelmed - by unconscious forces. If there is such a threat, it will be from repressed or neglected contents of the unconscious. What have you been bottling up?

    Since water may represent the feminine, your dream may be asking you to do something about a mother-attachment that has been stunting your development as an individual in your own right.

    **think about who bothers you in your waking like?

  4. Your are overwhelmed by emotion, are day dreaming alot, clinging to some emotional desire.


  5. Water is a symbol of emotions.  Drowning is being overwhelmed by your emotions.  Only you know why this is taking place at your uncles house.

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