
I've been having trouble waking up in the morning, so I drank two cups of coffee right in a row?

by  |  earlier

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now I'm all fidgity and shaky. What can I do to release all of this? I've walked my dog twice already totaling about a mile.... Please help.




  1. just let the caffeine run its course....keep rolling with it....if you feel the need to go exercise more then go right wont hurt you....if you don't like this feeling in the morning and you want to wake up then let me suggest that you eat an has the effect you are looking for and wont give you the jitters....actually studies show an apple is more effective than caffeine

  2. Eat some food, toast or something, or drink a beer.

    Do not smoke a cigar though, makes it worse.

  3. You drank two cups of coffee, right in a row?????

    What are you, 9???

    What gave you the idea of drinking coffee?  Let me guess, you knew it had caffine?  Now you are "jittery"?  Imagine that.

  4. so you basically took a drug (Caffeine) to wake up, now you want a drug to slow down. Chill, it will wear off. what your feeling is that caffeine rush.  

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