
I've been having troubles working at Diary Queen... can someone help me?

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Alright, so I've been working at Diary Queen since last summer, I was 14 back then. I used to only do the jobs that other people didn't want to do like make the waffle bowls, gravy, dishes and stuff like that. Now that I'm 15 I'm finally starting to work up front. I've kinda been trained in but its been like on and off. Tuesday is when I started to work up front for more then like 10 minutes. I get REALLY nervous when I'm working up there. I know that worrying doesn't help anything but I can't help it. How do they expect you to memorize everything that goes into the blizzards? I know there is a sheet and stuff, but I can't memorize it all on the spot. I guess what I'm most afraid of is messing up or getting in the way of other people working there, and that gets me more nervous, and it just keeps going on like that. Another thing I'm afraid of is when your blending everything, that everything will go like flying everywhere or something like that. Thanks for any helpful advise.




  1. Well, I haven't worked there, but there are some good answers from people who have, I see, so I will provide a different kind of advice.

    You said you were nervous of messing up. That is understandable, but I think it is best if you don't...."Easy for me to say"...right? Well, just use the "So what?" question....Everybody gets a bit embarrassed, from time to time...I mean, we treat it as if it's the worst thing in the world...I guess it would be easiest to work on not getting embarrassed...don't you want to be cool and collected...The people that are, aren't that way because they know how to do's because they simply don't care that much about messing up, and on top of that, their calmness makes it appear as if everything is just as they wish it to be....

    Last but not least...everybody has been through what you have been through...and they all know that it takes time to master most things, so don't worry about it...

    In my opinion, worry is a waste of time, wouldn't you just prefer to do something else...

    About the memorization bit...I know what you mean...I used to be good at that and all, but now I'm simply the worst...But I think it is simply because you are nervous and don't believe in yourself that you feel that you will mess up, and it feels like everyone else can do a better job...

    A bit philosophical this answer...but hey...

    Oh, and it helps to think about the outcome as you wish it...pretend you've already become an expert at what you wish to do, and imagine yourself calm and collected at your job.

  2. try and be calm and remember ice cream usually makes people happy so chances they wont yell at you if you dont know everything in a blizzard, either look at the sheet or ask another employee, but most of all just be calm you'll get it eventually

  3. Ahhh Dairy Queen was my first job also.....when I was 15. I am in my 40's now and still have lots of good memories of the people I worked with. First of all don't panic. I'm sure you are not expected to memorize everything on the spot. After making them all a few times it should all come pretty easy. You can always reference the ingredient sheet if you need to double check. To avoid messing up, just double check. Everybody messes up sometimes, it's no big deal if you don't do it all the time. If you put the cup on the mixer correctly, it wont go flying all over, just start it off very slow until the dry ingredients are blended a little and then turn the speed up.

    As for getting in the way of others, you've been working with these people for a year now, you know that everybody gets in everybody's way at some point. It's to be expected as you are all trying to do the same job, it happens where I work too. You just wait your turn and say excuse me, should not be a problem.

    Good luck and have fun!

  4. See it they can put it on a card or something and have it posted so you can just follow the directions.  Try memorizing the first three ingredients and then the second three ingedients.   go slow and do not rush.  You will find that you will go faster that way.

  5. Don't worry about memorizing everything at once, it takes time. When you have something to make, look at the chart and follow it. After you've made something a few times, you'll probably remember by hearing the name of it, and it'll be easy to tell a customer the difference between things like a Hawaiian and a Tropical blizzard.

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