
I've been in boxing for 1 year on and off?!?

by  |  earlier

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I've been in boxing for 1 year on and off. Why is it when I street fight with my friends I swing all crazy and not like a boxer?? Not enough training or what?




  1. b/c that is what you do. if you want to change it then you need to simply change it. Here is a good suggestion for you... stop street fighting b/c that is stupid and go to a boxing gym where you will train and get in the ring with real fighters

  2. Have you ever participated in competitions or exhibitions?

    You're probably swinging cause you're nervous. Try sparring in controlled environments (with people supervising) and learn how to box your opponent instaed of trying to hurt them as much as possible.

    Street fighting with your mates probably aint the best method. You have to learn your own style and be confident in yourself and dont worry about getting hit, cos boxers are known to be tough sons of b*****s and even the best boxers still get hit.

    but otherwise, spar practice and train more.

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