
I've been lifting hard 6 days a week this summer. How often should I lift weights during the rugby season?

by  |  earlier

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To maintatin strength and weight during the season. We practice Tues-Friday for two hours. and then have games on the weekend.




  1. there is no need to lift more than 3 times a week to get bigger. doing a body part more than once a week is not necessary as long as you work hard enough on it that one time.

  2. i lift weights every other day, because for the weight lifting to have an effect the muscles need time to repair themselves after each session

    if you lift everyday, all you are doing is breaking down the muscles again and again, and they are not having time to repair and grow

  3. Twice a week

  4. the hard lifting should be done in preseason.

    id say twice a week during the season. nothing too strenuous.

  5. There's no reason to do lift weights much during the rugby season because your strength should have been built up over pre-season (as it sound's like you have). Once maybe twice a week.

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