
I've been losing weight as quick as I hoped for, will this weight stay off? Or am I just losing water weight?

by  |  earlier

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I'm almost at my goal weight but I'm afraid after a while i will start gaining it back slowly.

After I lose the weight do I still have to do cardio and keep my diet in order to keep it off? How long do I still have to exercise until I can stop?




  1. In order to keep weight same you have to maintain a healthy well rounded calorie intake that will not be more than your body needs. Be careful of the sugary snacks and colas. Also limit your pasta and potatoes.

    Exercises like walking is good too.

  2. Almost year ago I got lazy. I stopped my 10-15 miles/week runs. My gut expanded and I ate a lot of junk food out of boredom. I didn't like it much and eventually got up to 185 pounds. I picked up running again after being a little disgusted at my complacency and slowly increased my mileage.

    Now I'm in a similar situation where I've recently begun to eat less junk and upped my running to 25-30 miles a week. I'm 5'6" and went from 181 pounds a couple months ago to 172 pounds now. I've even started to see a six-pack forming, which I've never seen before--on me at least.

    Take a lesson learned from me, you should definitely keep up the healthy lifestyle. It'll do wonders for your self-esteem. If you buy your own groceries, I bet it'll help your wallet too.

  3. Keep it up!! You are doing fantasic. stay on that type of diet, and you won't have much to worry about. after a while, you will have to change it up because your body will get used to that exercise and eating pattern, and you won't lose weight. add another 15 mins, and a protein shake or snack in about 2 months, and you should be fine. That is how I lost weight. and it was a success!!!

    Keep it up!!! and Congrats!!

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