
I've been making huge mistakes in all aspects of my life.?

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And find I feel lost. I have got to get it together. Any advice is greatly appreciated





  1. Look to the bible!

  2. Boy, this is kind of a nebulous question to answer especially if I don't see examples of what you consider huge mistakes. If the mistakes are repetitive  then they are not mistakes. You have to look at the foundations of your thought process and see where it goes wrong very early in the decision process. If you don't then the early poor decisions just snowball.

    Make sure you can separate out what you are doing wrong based on poor decisions and what may be family genetics. Make sure you have nothing like bi-polar or ADHD happening to really cloud your ability to complete tasks or make good decisions.

    Make sure that bad early childhood experiences have not shut off alarm bells when things should be telling you to run for the hills. (You don't recognize it as being a bad decision because it feels so familiar to how you grew up)

    Based on identifying the real reason(s), you can get specific help in making life better. (medication, group therapy to challenge old thinking, learning how to choose better in the beginning and how to recognize earlier when it is not going right to reverse course.

    Again, not knowing where you are headed with your question, I can't be more specific...but I hope these generalizations can guide you a little.

  3. the thing that keeps me going and the best advice i can give to u is that everyday is like a new chance and a way to clear your wrong doings. we have ALL made mistakes but time heals them and so does experience. good luck!

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