
I've been married for 8yrs and endured emotional and psychological abuse from my spouse,howdo I break away?

by  |  earlier

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Each time I tell him I want out, he gets angry, heaps abuses on me,makes me feel guilty and ungrateful for thinking it at all and I end up begging him.I have lost my self esteem and feel very low and discouraged.




  1. look you need serious help. from a professional. if your husband won't go, you need to go and get some advice. do it now.

  2. Easy walk away, don't tell him you want out, just move out, get your paperwork in line and have him served with the divorce paperwork, and if he is abusing you you need to call the police, someone who loves you and cares about you will not do that to you.  

  3. You're making an empty threat. If you meant it when you said you want out, and then he turns abusive in response, you would say, "Thanks for justifying it for me. Goodbye." Then you would pack up your things and leave. Instead of doing that, you respond by staying with him and apologizing to him. Now it doesn't matter how many times you tell him you want to leave, because he'll always know that it's an empty threat and he doesn't need to listen to what you are saying.

    Do something different. Say what you are REALLY thinking. Say that you would really, really like to stay in this marriage, but you can't stay with the way things are. Tell him what needs to be changed. If he refuses to change, don't threaten to leave anymore, because he's already had his share of warnings -- just pack up your things and walk out that door.

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