
I've been on my period for almost a month.?

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When bleeding, I get gulf ball size blood clumps (if you know what I mean) I haven't taken any birth control either. What's wrong?




  1. First of all, how old are you? Probably is fibroid tumors, which 99% of the time are not cancerous.  See your gynocologist!

  2. You need to see your gyno. Why would you let yourself continue to bleed for a month without thinking to go to the Dr.? It may be nothing- or it could be a big something and if nothing else, you're probably becoming anemic from the long term blood loss. Please go to the doctor!

  3. They are blood clots, lots of people get them.  I think you should continue taking the birth control pills.  They will help in regulating your period.

  4. OMG...that's really gross >.< I'm sorry but you needa get to a dr. ASAP b/c that is not normal. Any "clump" bigger than say an MM is too big! Gulf ball???? Ya, that sounds really big!


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