
I've been out of circulation for a while working on my new invention?

by  |  earlier

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I call it the PROPELLERTRON, a flying machine designed to actually carry a man above ground level. I know those blasted Wright brothers were trying to beat me to it. I can't wait to see the look on Orville and Wilbur's face when they see my invention. It could revolutionize the way people travel, why on its maiden voyage it was clocked at a magnificent six miles an hour and travelled all of twenty yards. The landing was a bit tricky though as one of those ubiquitous dodo birds had wandered onto the runway. Do you think my invention will catch on?




  1. I'm flabbergasted, no I should correct myself. I'm SHOCKED that you haven't yet ensured that the Wright brothers have met with a bit of an accident so you can ensure that they don't usurp the fame that is rightfully yours. A whole six miles per hour? I could hardly see how those idiots could do any better.

    You hit a dodo bird? I wonder how many points that would be... I daresay that you've earned enough to win not only the free toaster, but also the theme cup, hat, and complimentary tote bag.

  2. Welcome back im sure it will be a big success.Good Luck

  3. it should do. Contact Air Ethiopia

  4. no

  5. Rotter, you are an absolute ars e, don't meddle in things that don't concern you. A flying machine !, bah, preposterous. Have you been at the Absinthe again? As for the Wright Bros. I would have thought your practical joke at them with the stink bomb at St. Jude's would have been sufficient. But no, you have to go one better and try to  publically ridicule them. You know d**n well what will happen to the human body if propelled at a speed greater than 5 miles per hour. Just look what happened to Cuthbertson when we chucked him off the bell tower at St. Jude's. Damned horrible mess, and his injuries were just about as bad. No Rotter, leave things like that well alone and go back to some harmless pastime, like torturing some  of your servants. As for the Dodo's, you clown, they were Chalfonts peacocks that escaped from his estate, had you spent more time in the class room learning, instead of looking through the gym mistress's keyhole you would know that the Dodo has died out. If you have hurt them he is going to be frightfully miffed I can tell you.

  6. If man was meant to fly, he'd have been born with wings, vortex generators, and leading-edge flaps on his arms.

  7. Although I must congratulate you on the magnificent success of the maiden flight of this contraption, I am rather perturbed that two of the Duchess' peacocks were diced by the propellor.  

    She isn't happy I'll tell you now.  

    Actually though, can I have one of your machines?  I want to put the fear of God into the occupants of the estate village by flying around the church spire cloaked completely in black at midnight.

  8. There is a bit on the Virgin website where you can put ideas to them.. this is definately going to be big i can feel it.

  9. Good God Man!! It's a bit far out there!! I admire you initiative, but surely mankind wasn't meant to fly!! I suspect you're a bit of a maverick......!!

  10. What perplexes me is that there was a runway...

  11. Man will never fly, we would have wings if this was meant to be !

  12. No, you have no chance of being successful. You might as well give up now.

    I did hear that the Write Bros were up to something, but everyone knows that if you travel too fast your eyes fall out and you become blind; not to mention the problems associated with procreation (which delicacy forbids me to dwell upon here).

    I seriously recommend that you desist forthwith from this new- fangled flying thing and use a horse like everyone else.

    I wish you well, but I would recommend that you put your time and effort into something worthwhile and sure to last,  like those flying cigar-shaped things - I think they are called Zeppelins in some quarters.

  13. Machine powered flight? Hmm tricky one but there may be a slim chance it may be successful.

  14. Your be making a time machine next. the way your going!

  15. has it got a Gangle Pin???

  16. You might just be on to something there.

  17. Don't be silly.  If man travelled at more than the speed of a trotting horse, his gizzard would explode.

  18. Talking of leading edge flaps, how about getting the Swedish twins to serve drinks and peanuts to you whilst flying. You never know, you might even get fare paying passengers on-board if the in-flight crumpet is up to scratch

    You could even suggest that they are of 'Virgin', status - that should get chaps queuing up from far and wide to have a crack at them.

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