
I've been out of town for three days and suddenly the dog is acting completely different? Why?

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Normally I am home with the dog all day because I don't work during the summer. However, I had to go out of town to a wedding, so I've been away from home for the last four days.

Normally he's quiet, does not intiate play on his own and he's not really into snuggling. He's friendly, but naps a lot and kind of keeps to himself.

Now, whenever I talk to my husband on the phone (who is babysitting the dog) he's always talking about how frisky and fun the dog is.

Apparently the dog is always wanting to cuddle with hubby, he intiates play and has a ton of energy. He even jumped in the bed with hubby which is something he NEVER does.

What gives? Why is the dog suddenly coming alive like this? Am I a bad pet owner or something?

We've had the dog for about six weeks now. Two weeks ago, he threw up worms, so we took him to the doctor and got him antibiotics. He was on them for about a week before I left, so I don't think him being sick had much to do with it.




  1. Sound like the dog is feeling better because of the medication.  It feels like playing now.  So join the fun and play with the dog too.

  2. obviously your dog likes your partner better than you LOL

    seriously, hubby is probabaly bored with you not there, so has paid more attention to the mutt, and the mutt is responding to being loved. When you get home, I suggest you join in, instead of sitting back ,the dog will love you for it :)

  3. I think being sick has EVERYthing to do with it.

    He's getting back to his "normal" self. You may not have gotten a chance to really "know" the dog because of the worms. Worms could have made the dog lethargic, and want to be on his own. Don't you ever want to be left alone when you don't feel good? It's probably the same with him.

  4. Your hubby was secretly playing with the dog. While you were gone. *gasp*

  5. Well, only having had the dog for six weeks you won't be able to know whether his illness had anything to do with it, it may or may not have.  What I do know is that even the most loyal and loving of dogs have a great capacity for making their owners feel guilty for going away, even if they've been beautifully looked after in the meantime.

    When our old boy was younger he'd really sulk for 2 or 3 days after being left - he'd had a lovely time with my parents and was always delighted to see us when we got back, but as soon as we got home with him he'd go to bed and glare at us from the corner for a day or two - after a while we understood that he was just trying to make us feel guilty for leaving him, little monkey.  He doesn't do it any more, I don't think he can be bothered!

    So it could well be the illness, but equally he could already be learning to make you feel guilty for going away - in which case the best thing is to treat him completely normally!

    With regards to the worms, he must have had a very bad attack to actually throw them up so can I just check that he's having the proper dose of worming medication as well as the antibiotics?  x

  6. I hope (and suspect) that the dog got more than antibiotics for the severe worm infestation.  He was de-wormed, right?  He is probably feeling so much better now that he can be his true, playful and frisky self.

  7. if you've been out of town he probably misses you and wants some attention and wants to play..and maybe if he was sick he is finally feeling better

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