
I've been planning on asking my girlfriend to marry me, and I am really nervous?

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I've been extremely excited, but I am also anxious and a bit nervous, this is a big decision! Is this normal? Is it normal for one guy to have apprehensions about sleeping with the same girl for the rest of his life?




  1. Ok this is not the biggest decision in the world so DON'TTPANICK!

    yeah it might be a bit scary at first but u will know that if u really like her u should ask her u marry ubecausee even if u dont marry her eventually u would have to marry someone else and this decision will pop up again so i think u should ask her to marry u so u can get on with life!!

    I hope this really helped U!! :D

  2. If you are not sure to make this step postpone it .. give urself much time .. ask urself what do you need in this life?? are you ready to get marry?? is she the right person for you? can you spend ur rest of ur life with???

    and to have the true answer you have to be away from her while thinking for a little of time if you return to her or you feel that you can't live without her ... then don't be afraid..

    what you are feeling now is very normal ... because it's a hard decision

  3. You should take the time to make sure that this is the woman that you want to be with for the rest of your life.  If you don't feel that you can commit to this one woman just yet, then it will be better to not rush into it.  

    You will hurt her more if you make a decision that you are not ready to make and then have an unhappy marriage.

    It's okay to be nervous though when making a huge life changing decision.  She probably is the right person for you.

    Good luck!

  4. yes its normal but you can take a xanax or drink before you do it if your afraid its going to messup what you really want to say to her

  5. THAT's the reason you're nervous? Sir, that's the way things are supposed to work. (sleeping with the same person the rest of your life)

    And I clicked on this because I thought you had "jitters" about the proposal. Wasted my time on this one, huh? ;-)

  6. yeah cuz once you marry this one you'll feel guilty checking out other girls when you're with her on the streets.

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