
I've been reading alot about overcoming Social Phobia with those positive affirmations and ..?

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cognitive therapy stuff... (if you read anywhere about this you know what i mean!) but my question is this! Does it ever really get CURED? Or do you have to always treat yourself with these affirmations like "I really am lovable. I love myself..." forever and ever?? PLEASE i REALLY need to know! thanks so much to those that leave advice/opinion. Bless you!




  1. I have the exact same thing,

    and really. I think you should tell someone and go to counseling,

    or some kind of person that can prescribe you to medicine to have you calmer.


  2. i used to be really afraid to go out and be in social situations. and yes, you do have to tell yourself those things for a little while. but you have to try and push yourself. once you do that, and you realize your doing things that you wouldn't normally do, or actually be excited to go out and do something. you will gain self confidence slowly but surely and you wont need to tell yourself those things.

  3. Most all people must feed them self emotionally. It is an ever going thing. Once you feel a lot better you can slack up, but don't slack too long. And yes you will eventually feel better. It's not an easy task, believe me, been there.And if you find you need some help with medication don't be ashamed or proud to do this, you can use both. Antidepressants work by opening up your pleasure center in the brain and they don't have to be taken the rest of your life, just until you feel confident again and YOU WILL. I am proud of you for working on this, most ppl will not (do the do) and take the ( baby steps to get there). "It works if you work it!"

  4. i have a lack of self esteem an confidence in myself. i thenk confidence comes from having an acurate self image of urself an being proud of ur strengthes. when i was 14 i took karate, an i see that time as an island in my childhood depression where i finally was proud of an ability i had. i was reasured everee tiem to class how gud i was, an having an ability that i new i was good at an i was proud of gave me self confidence. then my mom stopped me taking karate an i sunk back into depression. i keep trying to find soemthign like that again in my life. it seems that my parents are agaisnt me all the way *sighs* ♥  i duno if i helped, but i jus wanted to tell u when i had the most confidence

  5. I'm going to tell you something basic, and remember this when approaching people. People are afraid of approaching other people, yourself included.  But you have to BE a friend, to HAVE a friend.  You just have to take the risk knowing that someone eventually is going to adore your friendship.  And stop thinking you are boring.  Look around at the most interesting person, and listen to what they have to say, observe them and study how to be like them.  You will find your own comfort zone in the social arena and you will be just fine.  You act like you are some weird alien from another planet and people will run when they see you coming.  You are not, you are human and probably very likeable and attractive.  Just relax and enjoy and observe.

  6. I decided it is not me that has the problem, it is society.  Society in general is so sick it becomes a quality to be uncomfortable in it.

  7. Cognitive Therapy is a very effective tool but it also involves reinterpreting situations along with positive thought and changes in behaviour. CBT

    Social phobia gets better over time as we mature and encounter more positive experiences, but if you are a shy, nervous personality - it will always be more difficult.

    Just remember that we all take risks of rejection etc every time we enter new situations, (others may be just as anxious as you) and in addition, feelings of anxiety are exactly the same as excitement or sexual awareness. This is where reinterpretation is helpful.

  8. no it can't be cured

    but it can be treated with medication and therpay

  9. It usually take years & years of retraining your thoughts. That's what I learned through research.

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