
I've been seeing little white spots in my eyes called floaters and I am wondering what causes them to show up?

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I am now 8 and 1/2 months pregnant and I have started seeing these little lights in my vision, the pregnancy books call them floaters. I am wondering what causes them. They look like little bugs, to me they do anyways. I have seen them tonight twice.They normally are followed by dizziness and it's starting to become a small problem. I am going in to see my doctor next week and plan on asking him about it but I was wondering if anyone knows what these spots in my vision could be caused by.

Thanks to anyone who has some information.




  1. I was in the hospital for about 3 1/2 hours and they told me when I see those, cuz I'm experiencing them too, they're signs of pre-eclampsia.  You should tell your doctor as soon as you can, especially if you're dizzy.

    Heh, oh.  Thanks. :)

  2. Your blood pressure can still be normal with this problems - 1.2% of women with preeclampsia have symptoms but their blood pressures are normal.  The reason is because their body is able to regulate the blood pressure externally (you take your BP in your arms), but it the central blood pressure (going to your head, liver, and kidneys) is too high.  This causes the symptoms and the blood work to be abnormal even without the elevated BP.  If you are having these symptoms I wouldn't wait until next week for your appointment.  Call your doctors office right now and speak with the on call MD.  Let them decide if they think you need to be checked at L&D or if you can just get an earlier appointmentaside

  3. I see those too... but I also see other things too. Shadows, energy vortex, lights, and other stuff that just seems to be in my eye.

    EDIT::: Congrats on your pregnancy and good Luck with the delivery!

  4. The same thing happened to me.  There is a possibility that something could be happening, so you definitely should ask your doctor, however most of my research has shown that it can be caused by a slight increase in blood pressure and is perfectly normal.  

    My blood pressure is normally 100/60 while pregnant.  So, whenever I started seeing spots, I would borrow my moms blood pressure machine.  I noticed that every time I would see the spots, my blood pressure had gone up to about 120/70 or close to it.  And, it would occur typically after I got upset about something, or excited.

    It also occurs occasionally if I stand up too quick, but not too often.  Also, my baby and me, are both perfectly healthy with no issues.

  5. Completely normal pretty soon your brain will edit them out

  6. Thats not a good thing you should maybe go into the hospital maternity tonight and get hooked up to the fetal monitor, you could be developing pre-clamisa....which causes sereve stress onthe baby.

    Yea you cant wait till next week have to get in to see doc asap!

    I am totally not over reacting either, do you have access to a blood pressure monitor? CAuse you really could be having a bad complication and need care.

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