
I've been skateboarding for 6 months now..

by Guest64186  |  earlier

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I can:



-Fakie Ollie



-Varial Kickflip (sometimes)

-Pop Shove-It

-360 Pop Shove-It


-50-50 Grind


-Rock to Fakie

-50-50 Stall

Am I doing good for how long I have been skating?




  1. Thats incridible for 6 months! nice one!

  2. Such is life?

  3. You rock

  4. h**l yeah dude ive been skating for a long time and i can only ollie

  5. Ya That is good you should try learning 360 flips now or maybe a blunt stall on vert.

  6. Your doing great for six months! Keep up the good work!!

  7. i'm a senior citizen but i learned a long time ago that seeing is believing. if it's true, you are to be congradulated, though....

  8. d**n bro

    thats pretty good

  9. HOLY c**p YES m8 iv bin sk8in on and off 4 like a year an i can only like ollie!!!!!!!

    but im getting the pop shuvit now LOL

    wots the easiest trick outa thjem part from the ollie and pop shuvit an shuvit???

    P.S i would LOVE 2 b as gd as u!!!!

    KEEP IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. wow!! That's awesome! You must have a natural talent.

    I know some people who have been skating for over a year and they can barely do anything... keep it up and learn new tricks. You could get some new ideas by looking at videos on youtube or something.

    I don't know how old you are but at this rate you could become the next Tony Hawk, lol =]

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