
I've been <span title="wondering...................................................................................">wondering...................</span>

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.......................oops got a little carried away there!

so anyway, i was wondering.................................. whooooops it happened again!

it all started when i was with my husband JOSEPH (whom i met in a post office.) he said "see you later" as he walked out the glass and wooden door to go pick up some dog food from the local store (we don't have a dog. but it's a particular favorite of his anyway. i guess it's sentimental because his dog died as a kid.) It was the day after my cousin's bridal shower- the engagement broke off, but we don't mind. he's soo weird, he eats cat food. ANYWAY, as soon as joseph (isnt that funny? my name is josephine! AND we have the same last name, too. crazy, right? well, maybe it's because i married him.) said 'see you later' i had the most brilliant epiphany. i was just contemplating- he said see you later, but he was only going to be gone for 20 minutes. that seemed pretty SOON to me. so then i thought, it must mean that his soon is my later etc. etc. in other words, it all goes according to perspective. thoughts?




  1. At the end of the conversation this morning with my son, I said &#039;bye, talk to you later&#039;, and he responded &#039;talk to you soon, bye&#039;. I actually contemplated it for a minute, too. There you see, using the word minute or, I could have used the word moment or, awhile. I asked myself did he mean that we would speak again today or tonight and, if so, when? Not knowing when we would actually talk I thought that time is something that we cannot conceal or tweak or control. It is always out of our hands. I guess that is why the clock has three?

  2. You mean his later is your soon.  His soon is presumably your very soon.

    But yes, the usage of time indicators is subjective.  However the term &#039;later&#039; is comparative.  He was saying that when he saw you it would be later than it was currently.  That is, the time when he expected to see you again was to be in the future, rather than the present or the past.  Whether it was twenty minutes in the future or twenty years is irrelevant, it would nevertheless be later.  So you see it could be both soon and later.  

    If he had said &#039;see you late&#039; that would be a different kettle of fish, so to speak.

  3. Very poignant of you.

    Even if it is soon after the now, all moments after the now are &#039;later.&#039; So its not a matter of perspective, but more a matter of semantics.  

  4. your husband buys dog food and you dont even own a dog, he eats cat food and all you wonder about is what he meant when he left to go buy the dog food he said i will see you later.  

  5. wow how philosophical of you! i just have a couple questions.

    1) where do you buy the dog food? do you ever find sales? because i LOVE dog food.. i mean... my dog loves it... but i can&#039;t find it anywhere for cheap!

    2) how eating dog food  isn&#039;t weird but eating cat food is weird? huh? how about that?

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