
I've been surfin since i was 3 now im 12 any tips on hang 10?

by  |  earlier

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i almost got it. any tips on gettin it burried in the wave?




  1. YOU NEED A RELATIVLY STEEP WAVE ONE THAT IS BREAKING FAST. the weight of the water hitting the rear of the board holds the nose out of the wall of the wave. As you are only 12 you are proably quite light so pearling the board should not come in to the equation. Cross step 3 or maybe 4 times and you are there. If you feel the board start to slow down or pearl walk back quick. Dont worry about hanging you little tootsies over the nose yet. Concentrate on getting to the nose.

    Good Luck.

  2. Get a turbo fin ! it holds the rear of the board in place as if there were more weight distributed towards the rear when you are at the front.

    You wont be disappointed.

  3. 2 ways, either get a turbo fin, or push your back foot down to rise the nose of the board, the start cross-stepping to the nose of the board and once you reach the top, put your 10 toes off the top off the board.

  4. ok well....since i cant see what exactly you are doing on the is my advice: i know you wanna do this really badly and i do too! but the first thing is noticing the wave in front of you..when it starts to get fast start walking up to the nose gently, remember its like dancing, dont think about how much you wanna do it!  You already know you are going to do it! Just Have fun!  Do it with style!  This isnt skate Boarding, you dont have to do it hard! Just flow with it, understand the way the wave is breaking and you will get it!

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