
I've been to a list of specialists that don't know what's wrong with me maybe you can help me and save a life?

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Let me start by saying this is a really long medical history but all of the “medical specialists” I’ve went to with my parents have no idea what’s wrong they just know something is wrong. So unless you know a lot about the medical field preferably that having to do with the head please don’t waste your time reading this if you do know a lot about it please read it maybe you’ll know the answer and possibly save someone’s life.

I believe this may have all started when I was 9 I used to come home with a horrible headache and throw up nearly every day once I’d throw up the headache would be gone. Eventually the headaches and the throwing up were gone the same year. When I turned 12 I started seeing dots in my eyes all over my vision they were constantly moving disappearing and reappearing even when I closed my eyes they’d be there when it was dark they covered more then half my vision. My eye doctor called them floaters and started sending me to a list of specialists to figure out what was causing it but she came to the conclusion that they’ll just eventually go away so why bother looking for someone that knew what’s wrong. Around the time before I turned 14 I started getting really bad headaches they’d first start off with huge black spots covering my vision and eventually covering all of it usually it last one hour once they’d disappear and I gain my sight back I wouldn’t see any dots on my vision like I normally would. Then shortly after that a really bad headache would hit me one where sound/light/moving made it worse I’d basically have to stay in my bed all day because the pain was so bad. The pain lasted usually one day but sometimes two. I’d get those headaches every few months for the past two years. I’m currently 16 and I really want to figure out what’s wrong with me. Some additional information:

In school I usually space out when the teacher is talking I Hear them speaking but then I begin thinking about other things and never register what the teacher says.

I’m skinny for my age a little bit above average height but yet no matter how much I eat I never gain weight and even if I don’t eat for a whole day I don’t feel hungry.

I have really bad coordination

The dots are getting worse more and more are appearing

My hands shake if I hold them straight

Sometimes my feet or fingers twitch at random moments in the month

No one in my family history has ever had anything like this

I’ve had an MRI or Cat scan of my head one of them forgot which one and it was shown that nothing is wrong.

Lately I think it’s begun to affect my memory greatly where I can’t remember things that I read even though I read it minutes ago. I ask people questions that I sometimes already asked them. I’ve become moody although that could just be because I’m a teenager but I’m not sure.

I’m a 16 year old male that has no idea what’s wrong with him maybe you can give me some advice what I should do to find out or perhaps you know.

If you wish to ask more questions please email me at




  1. Classic description of migraine headache.

  2. i'm 22 and I've had bad migraines all my life, sensitivity to light sounds, floaters, flashes...

    It is hard not having an answer to whats wrong I know. I don't have the dots as bad, but memory sucks, dizzy ect...I think I might and maybe you can look into this..Fibromyalgia.

    you think that with all this modern technology you would have an answer, but there are many like you. the best is to learn to control your pain. acupuncture and massage theraphy worked best for me. you need to relax and you need to take deep breaths. my sympathy is really with you feel free to write me

  3. i find this distrubing that a 16 year old on a summer vacation, with beautiful weather  is writing a list of his ills.  when he should be outside having fun with his friends, and overlooking what his symptoms are...I think your problem is all in your head, this is why they can not find anything really wrong with you...i have a old aunt like you - she is always having symptoms, but, yet outlived many people so far and going strong complaining about her "health".  

    do you want to be old at 16 ?  its up to you.

  4. The MRI would be looking for signs of tumors, cancers, Multiple Sclerosis and pinched discs in the cerebral spinal cord.  If nothing was found *wrong*, that doesn't mean there isn't anything wrong.  Absence of proof does not mean proof of absense.  Try seeing a CranioSacral Therapist.   Check out this link and this Doctor.  They have done some miracles without sounding all religious on you, here!  lol

    As a Massage Therapist, I have taken his course and have seen some amazing things in my own practice.  I have had clients tell me that migraines have disappeared, hearing has been restored, vertigo was gone, TMJ problems a thing of the past.  Try it out for yourself.

    And, since this is the Alternative Health section, try getting the book called, "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay.  She is an amazing person who has lived an amazing life!  Very insightful.  

    Good luck.  

  5. I am a qualified and very experienced 40 years nurse. With hand on my heart I can say you that I've been seen all kind of illnesses. Nevertheless I am not going to diagnose you from my computer, but I will give you some directions. You have described here both physical and psychological symptoms. Based on this description ,I ,yes, believe you that you really suffer and not  going to imagine a sensational story for us. But you exagerate a bit in your title when you say"maybe save a life" Who can save your life is only you and eventually your parents. Clearly for me that you have circulatory problems with or without hormones imbalance. Something happens to your blood that doesn't reach enough all the times to your brain and doesn't bring enough oxygen. from here is a loss of attention,memory problems and so on. Also ,in the moments in wich you have dots in eyes your blood pressure is bad and again constrictions in arteries of head exactly as in headache. Theory I can do until tomorrow. I stop here  and want to suggest you ,go to a neurologist first and after this to an endocrinolog, especially for testing your thyroid gland.

    I can to assure you that there is a treatment for your sickness conventional and natural mixed and I could help you effectively when you'll tell me an EXACT MEDICAL  DIAGNOSTIC

    The final word, you have an uncontroled  fear  and stress and it doesn't help you anyhow and strongly I recommend you learn to manage it

    Do what you need to do.

    Good health to you.

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