
I've been to every petshop in my area and the spca. There is no where else left to buy a hamster,what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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All the places i've been, they were all super agressive or they were calm but they sort of bit. I saw one that I really liked but he bit me. I was wondering if I could tame him not to anymore.. at the petstores they told me that i can't tame them from what they're already like.. so I don't know. I can't find any breeders, there was ONE breeder but the babies died. I don't want to wait any longer to see if different ones come in because im impatient and my hamster died almost a month ago and i can't take it anymore. What can I do?!




  1. Well, I've owned 2 hamsters that I adored with all my heart and they bit me. It's not bad.. like the others have said, they need to get use to you. You had one before, you CAN tame it... you just need patience.. maybe even feeding it some sunflower seeds by hand. It also depends on the kind of hamsters you get. My first hamster was a Chinese dwarf hamster and it was AWFUL... she wouldn't stop biting me then I got my first teddy bear hamster Katie... she lived for nearly 4 years and was AMAZING... I miss her a lot. After her I got one for Christmas and her name was Holly she lived for about 3 years although I didn't treat her very well and I'm ashamed to say that but I regret it because she was a great hamster too. I got both of my hamsters from Petco, it's a reputable store. It also depends on the person you get to assist you, I was fortunate enough to find one who recommended the teddy bear hamsters. They're bigger and furrier anyway. Good Luck on your search!!

  2. Well idk were u live but if its heavaly populated the petstores will probally have new hamsters soon within two weeks. If your in a more country area then just wait a month and the petstore will have differet hamsters. Petco and Petsmart get new hamsters every week i think

    Good luck

  3. Try some other pet stores like Petco or PetSmart

  4. you can tame him from bitting, you bye what is called fooey, you spray it on your hands and when they bite they get a bad taste, and that should stop it from bitting.

  5. Yes, you can tame them from biting & get it used to your hand. People at the pet store don't know anything really. It's always best to go to your local SPCA or rescue, as it's saving a life.

    Also, check it's a free classified ad site. you can post an ad looking for a hamster or look for some ads for hamsters.

    good luck, hope that helped


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