
I've been told I have an eye infection and to bathe them in baby shampoo anyone heard of this suggestion?

by Guest56647  |  earlier

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I've been told I have an eye infection and to bathe them in baby shampoo anyone heard of this suggestion?




  1. NEVER!!!!!why not try saline solution instead!(salt water mix,can be made or bought in sterile packs from chemist)saline kills infection and also it is sterile!

  2. Athena is right,

    The condition is called Blepharitis

    Its the inflammation of Lids.

    The treatment you have been prescribed is absolutely correct and please be compliant to it.

    Why baby shampoo is because it is a mild detergent and can clean your eye lids properly, and it also does not bring tears to your eyes. lolz.

  3. Who is your doctor, Harold Shipman? :-)

  4. Yes it it correct and those who say it isn't have obviously never seen an eye specialist.  As others have told you, boil water, cool it and add a drop of baby shampoo.  Blepharitis (again I'm not sure if Ive spelt it correctly, is an irritation of the eyelid which, if you apply pressure, will result in a watery discharge from the area immediately above the eyelashes.  The treatment you have mentioned comes direct from eye specialists.

  5. Who told you that? Sounds like very bad advice to me! Detergents are not a good thing to put in your eye. Go to a doctor and get some medication. In the meantime, black tea will have an antibacterial effect - try putting some cold teabags on your eye.

  6. Yes, I had the best GP (Japanese) in the world and he recommended bathing eyelashes and eyebrows with a weak, warm solution of baby shampoo and water. Apparently it's the only effective way of dealing with the mites that live next to the eyelid in the eyelashes, and in the eyebrows. Obviously you squeeze out cotton wool moistened with the solution, wipe once and discard. You don't rub or lather because that would be dumb and would sting.

  7. No, thats the first remedy Ive heard of. Wierd.

  8. Not a very appropriate method

    Try buying some eye drops the type for arc eye etc.

  9. Yes it is a common treatment for this type of ailment. We all have mites in our lashes I know it sounds horrid, also baby shampoo will not sting eyes.

  10. yes - I had blephoritis (not sure of the spelling) and the optician told me to use some warm water with "no more tears" shampoo - I was told to use a q-tip just to wipe along theedge of my eyelid..........

  11. No way, that would be painful. If you don't have any saline, boil up your kettle and pour some hot water into a plastic cup, wait for it to cool and bathe your eye with that. Remember to use several peices of cotton wool as to avoid speading the infection to your other eye.

    I hope it gets better soon.

  12. i would NOT  do that at all. not heard of it, makes no sense.

  13. i would follow the advice given to you ,also if you get a stye in your lower eyelid you should very carefully rub it with a gold ring and it will dissapear as i have done this on numerous occasions.

  14. I was told to do this by my optician because I have a blocked tear duct, it didn`t sound like a good idea so I haven`t tried it (tear duct still blocked!!)

  15. ouch that doesn't sound right!

    Just buy an eye bath and use that!

  16. I was told to do this too by a consultant for an eye infection.  It works fantastic!  A little baby shampoo in an egg cup with some boiled then cooled water on the end of a cotton bud is how i did it.  It's a very common way of treating it without medication as the baby shampoo is always a 'no tears' formula.

  17. You'll be in agony! Saline water only!

  18. Yes - I too have been recommended by a hospital eye specialist (UK) to bathe the edges of my eyelids top and bottom each morning with a cotton bud dipped in freshly boiled, slightly cooled water containing just a tiny drop of baby shampoo. I have been doing this for a couple of years now and it seems to have stopped the frequent infections from which I used to suffer. It tickles a bit, but it's worth it!

    Later: Oh doubting thumbs downers! Just google 'blepheritis' and look for 'treatment' and you'll see this confirmed several times!

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