
I've been told that poetry is no longer modern. What says you to that?

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Scarcely a hair

was left on his head,

He was the true picture

of man walking dead,

His dressing gown torn

arms withered and worn

unable to walk

from bed to the throne,

Still, he was King,

the will and the power,

he wheezes commands

to henchman and bower,

They dress him in ermine

and fix his high crown,

King of the Circus,

a terrible clown.





  1. I, unfortunately, am not gifted with the talent to write.

    What I am gifted with is the talent to appreciate good poetry.

    Long live poetry!!!

    God bless! <><

  2. poetry is as modern or old as the person who wrote it. most poetry is a reflection of the poet.

  3. Well, poetry is neither modern nor ancient; But it's definitely not dead. If it was, then we definitely wouldn't have emerging poets,  poetry slams, poetry message boards, and the like. Plus, we wouldn't be posting in this forum at the moment if poetry was dead. Poetry might not be a best seller at a major bookstore, but it is still vibrant and alive. It will always be.

    When it comes to your poem, I think it is pretty good.

  4. Our poetry is eternally fresh and "modern."  It's you and me what's gettin' old. This one reminded me of the last days of  King Henry VIII.

  5. Poetry lives!  The ability for fools to comprehend has been assassinated!

  6. Poetry is timeless.

    Who is to decide what is modern

    Only a fool would attempt to do that.

    Yes there are many fools.

    There are many forms of poetry.

    Many who do not appreciate poetry.

    Many who live depleted lives.

    The king is dead, long live the king.

  7. its not. the golden age of poetry is LONNNNNNG gone. you should've lived back in the 1800s

  8. poetry is the oldest form of lyric artwork.

  9. poetry is always modern and always beautiful.

  10. It's OK. I am not modern either.

    "Who is it can tell me who I am? Lear's shadow..."

  11. Poetry is modern and cool. It is what you make of it. :)

  12. Well, nowadays the only people (usually) who write poetry are emos, except that's not real poetry, it's just using rhymes to make a story about suicide. So, ACTUAL poetry isn't modern anymore.

  13. I may not always understand art, but I know true craftsmanship when I read it.

  14. thanks, just what I needed. grrrr   :-(   to be the subject of your poetic prowess.... even if it was only the first half.


    Poetry has to constantly evolve else our arses be stuck in the mud as we struggle to find something unique to offer.

    Variations of poetic style are like fashion... seasonal... stylish one day,  gone tomorrow... only to return in time.

  15. Poetry has evolved together with man, it is neither past nor future but an eternal present.

  16. Scarcely a hair

    was left on his head,

    He was the true picture

    of man walking dead


    His dressing gown torn

    arms withered and worn

    unable to walk

    from bed to the throne


    Still, he was King,

    the will and the power,

    he wheezes commands

    to henchman and bower


    They dress him in ermine

    and fix his high crown,

    King of the Circus,

    a terrible clown


    You need Rap and more cowbell

  17. poetry is timeless

    it is neither modern or traditional

  18. This brings to my mind:-

    Thomas More. Not a king, but a dead man walking.

    The hair shirt beneath the ermine, the brilliant mind cut off by a despotic king. Now he's a Saint, a King of the circus, a terrible clown.

  19. Are you kidding? With poetry slams in coffee houses and spoken word performances gaining ground in the art world I am positive the 21st century will wholly outdo the 20th in innovation and popularity of poetry.

    Whoever said poetry was outdated is high.

  20. Modern poetry has its draw backs.

    Some really weird S**t in the modern annnals.

    I prefer a few thees and thous

    So get thee gone wastrel, but know you this, thou scurlish knave

    It doth not matter wither thou goest

    No matter where thine life's wind blows you

    No matter how full thine sail, oh scurge

    Thou can run, but thou cans't hide

    It matters not that you're old enough

    To change thine name

    I'll soon know thy business

  21. Classic poetry rules my liege. But the sages and writers of old should teach us style and method we can use as a rotating platform not as a photocopier. Style must always evolve - ask any hairdresser - or you lose relevance.

    Classic style was communication of the people and for the people.

    Rap, Hip Hop, Slam are doing the same here and now. They gave the classics to thank for their genetic ability to do so.

    Clowns are not as revered as they were. In fact they are more feared. Kings have become figureheads. And woebitide....dressing gowns are no longer fashionable.

    Crowns on the other hand are sought eagerly and self-positioned too often. Ghosting Napolean.

  22. When will the responders learn to answer the POEM and not the question? (Sorry about answering a question with a question).  

    Now, for the POEM!! Craft is timeless, current, modern, futuristic. It is not old, invalidated, dying. Without craft, a poem is worthless, like the King of the Circus, in which we all live from birth to death.

    As I have said before, noblesse oblige. In order to break the rules, you must know them.Those who want to rule must accept responsibility.

    Good (real, virtually real, really real) poets will always understand, for example, that "free" verse is no more free than people living in a democracy who must follow rules. "Free" does not mean undisciplined, wild, trite, incomprehensible. Life without rules would be chaos. So would poetry.

  23. I've saideth it once and I'll sayeth it again. That Loosechange would purvey his own most direct matriarchal ancestor in the lowly street, to have bestowed upon his miserable countenance the accolade of most laudable riposte.

  24. Bubkas.

  25. Okay...I'm a little tentative, a little scared, and a little confused. But I will stand and say that poetry is modern, will always be modern, for poetry is the expression of soul, and we're swinging with the "emote yourself" generation. Albeit their taking it far, far to the left, but they will swing back and eventually, we will find a happy medium. I will go now, as I don't recollect a word of what I have written. Wonderful poem, deep, insightful, provacative.

  26. If royalty is doomed to fade out of existence - at least common courtesy would be - wait until - the last of the line was dead.  I hope the "King" was senile enough - that he did not realize his end. ♥

  27. Especially like the statement of Semper F and the valued words of Elaine P. I will try to apply them. Poetry is a word of honor to those with honor. Even though the King is physically without power, there is power in his position. The ermine and crown denotes in these ending hours his valued symbol of wealth and nobility rank high. Honored poetry will live through the most difficult times! Good writing and with all of your help, I hope my interpretation, if not totally correct, is at least close to it! Thanks!

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