
I've been told wierd things, help me out here.?

by  |  earlier

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I had some wierd things happen to me and they aren't too explainable umm... when I sleep I will have like a dream and then a few days later it happen. I know you must think I'm crazy but im not lieing.I talked to my mom and aunt about it and my mom and aunt told me something that is unbelieveable. I'm not going to say what they told me I am but it's a little freaky. I feel like they might be lieing to me. I talked to my aunt about it first (she lived with us at the time) and then she said that my mom has to tell me the truth cuz it isn't her place. My mom wa like no we can tell her yet she has to discover it on her own, but my aunt persuaded my mom to mean time im just standing there and my mom tells me this unbelieveable thing and says she will tell me more when iam older. It's been over 3 yrs now and i always think about it before I go to bed. I need to know. I live with my dad now but talk to my mom everyday on the phone. So wat should I do ask my mom, forget or wait?




  1. thats wierd but if she wants you to wait theres probably a reason

  2. I had the same thing with the dreams but it eventualy passed.

    And i dont think its crazy.

  3. its ok i used to think i was crazy too.this happens to me at least once a week and sometimes it will be like a year later. just live wit it seeing the future isnt all that bad it helps me every one in a while

  4. Sounds like the sight runs in your family. Don't freak, learn it and how to use it.

    I came back after 8 hours because your question wouldn't leave my mind. I, to, have dreams like that. I do not have a clue what explanation your mom may have given you. I simply call it the sight, because it runs in my family. there's some family legend that some great- grandma+ of mine was a village seer and good at it, too.

    My imagination runs wild trying to figure what you may have been told; you're a witch, you're an alien, etc. I do not know what it is, and honestly, without someone having a clue (regardless of the nutcases who will attack anything they don't understand, or that they fear) what it is that is freaking you out, it is hard to even pretend to be wise enough to advise. So- don't be surprised if this question being up here doesn't help much.

    If you just want to talk to someone and MAYBE figure some of it out, I would be happy to help. I have a very open mind and am - how should I say?... informed- about many things. Aliens would not surprise me, nor would witchcraft, nor much of anything else. I also have teenage daughters (16,18 and one is 24).  My IQ is not low (165) and though I cannot claim to be wise, I can at least assure you I will not make fun of you , nor would I ever try to alarm you.  

    It is your choice, of course. I do recommend you should try talking to your mom when you're ready. I also hope, even if you never message me, that you find some way to relax and sleep well. Good luck and I wish you peace.

  5. ask her but do it casulay you dont want to freak her out

  6. Ask your mom. Now that a few years have past I think she should tell you. I myself want to know????

  7. will i get married to my boyfriend and will we have kids?

  8. they're probably going to tell you you're psychic.

    just kidding, but that's not unheard of but really uncommon. it's just paranormal stuff, so most people on here won't have an answer for you.

  9. ASK!!!! DUH.

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