
I've been trying to conceive for a while now and i think i had a period but it wasn't normal at all?? please

by  |  earlier

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This mounth im having pregency syspoms but 4 days before i was suppose to have my period, i started to have some cramps and had light bleeding for 5 days. But usually i bleed very heavy and have horriable cramps, and get very sick. but this one wasnent like that at all. After the bleeding stoped ive still have signs of pregency. Ive fell sick, bad headachs , overian pain. could i be pregnant some how?? please help




  1. make sure you take an hpt and if negative talk to a doctor about a blood test, to make sure you don't have a chemical pregnancy, you can also ask a doctor online for free and can learn more about these type of pregnancies,

    try good luck!!

  2. You should take a pregnancy test as soon as possible. Or call your doctor and set up a blood test. It sounds promising. Good luck to you!

  3. Definately go to your doctor and explain whats happening including trying to conceive and that this is not a normal period for you. It is possible to have periods at the start of pregnancy although you say you have ovarian pain,which is a concern, seek medical help asap.

  4. yes there is a possibility just take a pregnancy test to ease your mind good luck

  5. You should take a pregnancy test, and see your doctor if it is positive.

    Could you still be pregnant?  Yes, it is possible, but rare. Sometimes a condition called vanishing twin syndrome will cause you to lose one twin to early miscarriage and have a light/odd period as a result.  

    Another reason may be an ectopic pregnancy, where the embryo did not implant in the right place and is only causing problems.  This is why you should contact your doctor, as this can be a severe medical issue.

    If you need a cheap pregnancy test, this is a great web site:

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