
I've been trying to get pregnant for about a year now

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My fiance andi have been trying for almost a year now and we've had no luck...Can some one plz help me put here the doctor said i could have kids i just don't kno whats gone on here




  1. I ttc#2 for 18months with no success. Then I found out about maya abdominal massage and got pregnant within one month of using it. So impressed with the results, I became a practitioner myself and now help other women get pregnant too. If more women sought this kind of treatment there would be no need for fertility doctors.

  2. i pray 4 u dearrrrrr

  3. There are a lot of things that could be going on.  Could be your age, your weight, abnormal periods, your fiance's sperm, you may be stressing too much about it or anyting for that matter can stop your ovulation, the amount of s*x and the timing of it to your ovulation, do you get up right after s*x or do you stay laying down for at least 20 mintues...I mean there are so many things that could be going on.  You may not ovulate.  Have you had fertility tests done or has your doctor just looked at your medical history and made a decision based off that?  the best way to know is fertility tests.  Also, just calm down and try not to think about it.  My husband and I have been trying for 3 years and we've been to many doctors who I thought knew what they were talking about and I finally found a doctor and was finally diagnosed with something I've known I've had for years but was never diagnosed with...Polycystic may want to look in to that as well...its called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.  It's very common and can prevent pregnancy without treatment.  So now I am on some medication and hoping this will work!!  Good luck to you!

  4. An average woman's cycle is 28 days.  Which means it is 28 days between the start of her periods.  Ovulation usually occurs at the midpoint of the cycle. A 28 day cycle would have ovulation around the 14th day after you first start your period.  Some women's cycles may be 30 days or more.  So, they would still ovulate midway between periods.  It may be the 15th or 16th day and so on.

    If a woman has irregular periods--periods that aren't every 28 days or so. For example:  1 month it's 28 days, the next month is 35 days, then the next may be 40 days.   It makes it a little more difficult to pinpoint ovulation and become pregnant, because you don't know how the cycle will be for that particular month if it's never the same length each month consistently.

    When ovulation occurs, one of the woman’s ovaries will release an egg, which will make its journey down the fallopian tube over a period of about 24 hours. Within this 24 hour time frame is the optimum window of opportunity for conception, but there are other variables. For instance, an egg will survive in the fallopian tubes for up to 2 days, so if intercourse takes place up to 2 days following ovulation, conception can still occur. Also, if intercourse has occurred prior to ovulation, conception is still possible because sperm can loiter in the fallopian tubes for 2 to 3 days, meaning that once the egg is released, it could already have sperm waiting for it.

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