
I've been trying to make my horse lope slower but I can't get her to lope slower!! How do I???

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I've been trying to make my horse lope slower but I can't get her to lope slower!! How do I???




  1. half halt. take her head and make her look to the inside.

  2. After several loping strides, stop the horse & back up, then lope again.  do this regularly [but not constantly] and the horse will naturally slow it's pace - anticipating the stop.

  3. Make sure you cue your horse correctly and consistently.  When you want to slow down, sit deeper and shift your weight back a bit.  Slow the movement of your body in accomodating her pace, so that she'll accomodate yours.

    Everytime your horse gets too fast and doesn't respond to your cue, make her do a tiny tight circle.  She'll have to slow down; keep circling until the pace is right, then let her continue on.  If she speeds up, more circles.  This way you keep her cantering, discourage speed with the circles, and reward good pace with letting her lope.

    Don't make it a wrestling match with your hands.  Don't punish her for liking to move.  Just channel that movement appropriately.

    Good luck!

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