
I've been ttc for 10 months and so discouraged and upset that..........

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......I don't even want to have s*x with my husband anymore! Because when we have s*x all I do is wonder if this will be the month. And then I always get my hopes up and it's always a BFN! I'm so tired of going through this all the time, that I don't even enjoy s*x anymore because it's just about the baby-making for me.

Is something wrong with me?

Or do other women go through this too??

How can I overcome all this???

Please only mature helpful answers.

I need help I'm an emotional wreck!!!!

Thanks for your advice.




  1. Dont give up and stop making it a job to get pregnant! have your fun and enjoy the non baby times! so that when you do have a baby you wont regret not having more fun before baby!! my fiance and i have been TTC #1 for 17 months and we are ages 21 and 23 yes it gets stressful sometimes and yes it is very upsetting everyone i know is pregnant or has kids ther everywhere!!! but when the time is right it will happen 4 u! I have relaxed alot and hav bin having fun with it and even though i still get a little upset every month when i get my period i dont let it bother me so much and just think that god is waiting for the perfect time....we may want the baby now but i bet his timing will b perfect for the moment it happens! best of luck to you!  

  2. Your problem is that you aren't enjoying things anymore.  It's become more of a job to you.  When this happens, it usually seems like you're never going to get pregnant.

    It's hard to do, but if you can just relax, try and put it in the back of your mind and go about life as usual, that's when you'll find that it happens.

    Some couples take a year or even more before becoming pregnant.  It'll happen, you just have to be patient.

    I'm assuming you know when you ovulate and are having s*x for the days surrounding it.  That's the best time to have s*x.  Don't do it constantly, everyday several times a day.  Just be normal about it until ovulation.  Then MAKE sure you have s*x.  You can still have fun and not treat it like a chore.  I know that's easier said then done, but I've been in your shoes before.  I DO understand.

  3. I totally understand.  It is fun for DH because he just does the deed and doesn't have to think about it for the next two weeks.  I over analyze every pain and twinge in my body.  It is hard, but stick with it.  Have you been to the doctor yet?  If not just go and tell him you have been trying for a year.  You can get tests done and it will make you feel better to know either you are fine and keep trying, or something is wrong and you can go about fixing it.  I went to the doc and found out I was not ovulating.  Although very upsetting, I am starting meds and hopefully will get a BFP next month.  Good luck and hang in there!

  4. Im going through the same thing. Yes its very depressing and evertime i get  my hopes up it always fail and i get depress and start crying. Sometimes i cant stand to see pregnate women or ppl wit kids who wants them for the wrong reason. All you have to do is keep doing what you are doing it takes time and just dont so depress about it. getting depress is like stree on you body and its not gonig to help at all. Good luck in you future. God will  bless you with your little bundle of joy

  5. Welcome to the club.. I've been TTC for 16 months now.. And yup its very fustrating.. The hubby kept getting mad at me because I kept counting days.. So I just stopped telling him when Im Ovulating.  And it is very very discouraging and depressing.. It seems like everyone else around me is getting preggo.. But not me.. grrrrrrr..

    Anyways.. I just go shopping and I went back to college to try to keep my mind occupied..

    Good Luck.. Tons and Tons of baby dust to us.

  6. 10 months isn't long at all.  Doctors don't consider you infertile until you've been trying for 12 months actively if your under 35 and 6 months if your 35+.  I've been TTC for 22 months and 23 menstrual cycles at 21 years old.  My husband is 29 years old.  It now takes most women 2-3 years to get pregnant their first time.  Teenagers are of course more easily impregnanted then women in their 20s+ because they have more eggs then older women.

  7. oh poor dear, I know what u mean! We tried almost an year, w/o any luck! Then went to my gyno, who is like this angel, well, for me:), she ordered me a dye test, to see if my tubes were alright! Well, she thought abt the right thing to start, and also ordered my hubby a sperm test! Well, I went for my dye test, found out that both the tubes had some dirt, they cleared it, which I could all see on this screen and said, I am all ready! well, I felt so good! That month, we didnt even think abt gettin pregnant, juz relaxed and took it all well, as it was our anniversary too! Well, by the month end, I missed my period and 9mo later, I ve my bundle of joy! Dont ever ever give up hope! So there's my ans 2 ur que do other women go through this too?? But trust me, I never gave up thinkin positive or hated s*x. Well, I was happy that v kept the hots 4 each other! lol!! My advise to you

    1) RELAX





    6)Enjoy s*x, coz u r making baby. Keep positive thoughts! Dont wonder if thats the month or not! Juz think how u wont have that time, when ur baby is here, lol! So now, u ve 2 really really use all the time u can! lol!

    7)Since u said 10mo already, try 4 two more months and visit ur gyno, explain her whats happening. They'll  and can really help u!

    8)Stop thinkin whether somethin is wrong w/u! There might be some obstacles, but now with the advanced and sophisticated medical tech available, almost everythin is taken care of. Didnt u read abt the woman at age 60 giving birth 2 triplets!!! well, if it can happen to her at that age, it can very well happen to u!






    It happened to more and more women, who took it a lil easy and by the end of that month, bam, BFP:) I ve heard so many stories of that kind! So RELAX. I know its hard, but try and try again! Atleast dont stress as much as u r doin now! YOU and only YOU can change the way u think. If u wanna b happy, think happy thoughts! I wish you the very best and god bless!!

    edit: Juz saw ur update! Ovulation kits r fine, how r u using them? Right from the start of ur cycle?? Know the time. I would suggest the BBT - Body Basal Temperature recordings! Its the temp u record as soon as u wake up everyday! Go to this site, thats what I used. When u ovulate, ur temp rises, and stays up! You can use that hint and use the ovulation kit to make sure and plan everything! I didnt even use the ovulation kits, juz kept a track of BBT, which kinda helped! I d suggest u do this and also plan on ur hubby takin the s***n test! Good luck!

  8. I've been there and its a very frustrating hopeless feeling to not know if you can get pregnant or not.  I am 32 and my husband and I tried to get pregnant for over 3 years. I spoke to my Dr and he ordered an HSG test to check my tubes.  Within days of test I got pregnant.  I did end up having a miscarriage but 2 months later I got pregnant again and am now 25 weeks along.  I highly recommend you talking to your Dr.  There are so many tests that are available to you these days.

    Good Luck and Dont give up

  9. Keep your hopes up and yes its normal to feel how you are feeling because you are looking forward to this so much and want it so bad but all things come to those who wait so enjoy your husband and knowing that one day you will have his child in your arms.

    god bless you both and the little one that will follow.



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