
I've been vegetarian for 2 weeks now,how do I not get sick?

by Guest61661  |  earlier

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Im getting alot of answers saying why would I get sick.It happens alot if you dont get enough iron or anything.I'm starting to eat a lot healthier.I don't know why,but every morning I feel really dizzy.




  1. Same way you don't get sick on an average meat-eating diet: you eat a balanced, varied diet.  What would make you think vegetarianism would make you sick?  Did you do any research into it before you decided to go veg?  Do you have any nutritional knowledge?  Sorry if that sounds harsh, but if you think vegetarianism is that tricky, I wonder why you're doing it.

    Google the vegetarian food pyramid.  Follow it.  Then get yourself a copy of "The New Becoming Vegetarian" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina and learn about nutrition.  There's nothing magical about meat that you can't get on a varied plant-based diet.

    JEN, the notion of carefully pairing complementary proteins is from the 70s and has been debunked long since.  Any vegetarian who gets enough calories to meet their energy needs, eats a variety of protein sources over the course of their days and isn't trying to live on junk food, easily gets all the protein they need.  I have been veg*n for over two decades and have never agonized over carefully combining my proteins.

  2. youre going to get a lot of answers telling you to make sure you get your protein..Ive been a vegetarian on and off my whole life, but its been almost 2 years straight this time around. its not that hard to get your protein from other foods (like beans & rice, or nuts and cheeses)...your biggest concern should be your iron intake because i got an iron deficiency from not eating meat anymore. so make sure you eat lots of vegetables high in iron (spinach) or supplement w/ vitamins. good luck! ohh...and you shold always drink a lot of water if you want to stay matter if you eat dead animals or not!

  3. Mockingbird makes valid and good points.

    Eat a balanced diet and you have no problems.  

    If you ARE having problems - my suggestion would be to go and see a doctor.  It isn't always just because you changed the way that you eat that is the problem - not if your eating a well balanced diet and getting the need calories to meet your daily requirements.

    So if your feeling sick and dizzy when getting up - - first thing that comes to mind - - - are you sure that your not pregnant?  Do you have any pre-existing medical problems that might be having a reaction to possible new foods that you are eating that are interacting with the drugs that you must take?  Are you taking any new medications and didn't check the side effects and this is one that you need to contact your doctor about?

    Point is - look not only at your overall diet and if you are indeed eating correctly - but look at all points that might be the root of the problem.

  4. Why would you get sick?  Meat is not some sort of miracle food that keeps you healthy.  There are millions of healthy vegetarians in the world and if you eat a balanced diet, there is no reason you would get sick.  Meat eaters are much more likely not to get all the nutrients they need and more likely to get  sick.

  5. why would you get sick? vegetarian is not a diesiase! Just make sure you aren't like eating junk food, if u want to be a vegetairan u might as well go healthy! eat fruits and vegetables and drink healthy flulids as much as you can! you are better off without meat, it's so unhealthy these days with all the hormones and fatteners they feed the poor ill treated animals. eating meat like that increase heart risks and many other things. DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!! i admire vegetarians who stop by themselves and keep it up, i was just born one! ;) good luck!

  6. You have to eat enough"complete" protein.  That is protein that includes the "essential amino acids".  Those are the amino acids that your body cannot make.

    You can get enough protein from eggs and dairy if you eat them.  

    If not you have to work to put together foods that compliment each other and that together have all the amino acids you need to stay healthy.  Like beans and brown rice, for example.  Legumes and grains together usually make a complete protein but there are other examples.

    Go to the library and check out a book on being a vegetarian.  There will lots of them out there.  There are websites galore too, but a book is easy to see while your are walking down the aisle.  Wouldn't want to run anyone over with the shopping cart.

    And there are pastas that include extra protein too.

  7. Why would you be sick?  I thought being vegetarian was the epitome of perfection when it comes to diet?

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