
I've been with my boyfriend for 8 years and i want to leave sooooooo bad. Help!!!!!!!!!!!?

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I've been with my boy friend for 8 years now we have a little boy together. He is 6. I am working towards my masters and he doesn't even have his GED. I make a little more then he does. I am very un happy but i stay with him because i feel sorry for him. I now feel like i can't take it anymore. He is not a bad person. he is just not right for me. We live together. How do i get ride of him nicely.




  1. The Truth shall set you free! Tell him how you feel! Tell him that he either needs to find his own place, or you and kiddo will be moving out, and go from there! Good Luck!

  2. It won't be easy but just be truthful. It sounds as if you both are growing in different directions and staying with him because you feel sorry for him, won't help him out or make you happy and your son will sense the unhappiness.

    Good Luck  

  3. You are not married. I know you have a little boy but  it would be better for him to see his parents split up and happy then together and miserable. Get out now or you will regret it the rest of your life.

  4. I don't think breakups can be done "nicely."  I'm not sure what kind of answers you are going to get--I'd be interested in reading them as well.  I have a b/f of 19 months and want to end it.  He too is a nice guy, but I'm not in love with him and there have been many red flags that I have not dealt with (yet).

    I think the band-aid approach is best too!  Just do it and know that it will hurt but it must be done.  I plan to tell him that it just isn't working, and that I'm sure he wants the truth insteading of just wondering why our relationship isn't the same anymore.

    The hardest part for me is actually the break-up with his friends and family because I soooo care about them and will miss them dearly!!!  sniff, sniff...

    But I'm 40 and don't want to waste time in a relationship that is heading no where!

  5. tell him exactly how you feel the truth hurts but it will set you FREE!!!

  6. Tell him. If he doesn't want to leave, go find a place of your own.

  7. Rip the bandaid off.  

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