
I've been with my boyfriend for five months but like this other guy??

by  |  earlier

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I have liked this guy that I work with for a looong time and have had a big crush on him..we went out one night with friends and after one night, decided to date. We went on that date, and BAM, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I had been really hurt before. I used to date this guy and we just broke up like 2 months before me and this other guy started dating..I just feel like we didn't really get a chance to get to know each other. I was very happy when he asked me because I was interested in him. We have been dating for five months now, and I don't know if I have the same feelings for him. He keeps telling me that he loves me and thinks that he has found the one and talks about our future a lot...and I told him that because I had been hurt in the past that I couldn't say the L word yet, and he's ok with that. I also have a crush on this other guy, and we flirt with each other a lot. He knows I have a boyfriend, I'm not exactly sure if he likes me but it seems that way because he's always picking on me, but I can't seem to get my mind off of him...and I think about him more than I think about my boyfriend. I know that sounds wrong. The guy I'm dating is really sweet and we enjoy spending time together, but I'm just not sure if there's a connection. We're on two different maturity levels, he's really immature.. and he's in his early 20s and so am I. He has also never had a gf before so I guess he's not sure how to act.... I just don't know what I want anymore....I'm not even sure if I'm ready for a relationship.... what should I do? :(





  2. wtever u do, jst be honest wt bth of thm! if u dnt thnk ur ready 4a reltionshp yt, lt ur currnt bf knw tht n he shud respct u n ur filnz. c wt hapnz wt ur othr crush  n dnt gve up on hm cz he dznt knw hw 2act! bt bn hnest n lettn bth of thm knw wtz going on wud def be the 1st step...

  3. Follow your heart girl.

    If your not sure about the boy you have been dating for 5 months, let him know. Its not fair for him to be falling for you  when your flirting with your co worker.

    relationships are commitments and if your not ready for a commitment, you should just find yourself grow up a bit and then date. Before you or someone else gets hurt.

  4. You need to end your relationship with this current boyfriend. You have doubts and for your sake as well as his, it is better stop the relationship now. This will save you unhappiness and doubtfulness for the many days/months/years to come with this current guy. Life is too short. If you feel that the happiness you seek is with (or could be?) the other guy, then go for it. At times, we are faced with doing a little bad that will achieve a whole heap of good. See how serious this other guy is then if all is well, you need to end it with this current guy. Good Luck and believe you me, its not the end of the World.

  5. If a guy his age told me he had never had a girlfriend before me, I'd be really uncomfortable and never gotten involved with him. Sounds odd. I suggest that you try to break it to him as gently as possible. Tell him that you think he needs more experience with other women, and that you need some time to think things over. Date, but don't commit to a heavy relationship. Give yourself a break.  

  6. follow your heart and dont have any regrets

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