
I've been with my man for almost 9 years, do u sometimes get bored.?

by  |  earlier

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like the same s**t everyday, the same positions, the same f***ing thing day after day and night after night. and don't say talk to him, lord knows i've tried. and to me it seems that even he is bored, help guys what should i do, only serious answers please. is there still hope for us...




  1. Yes...just change it up. Do something different. Or get your own hobbies so that you guys have something to talk about later. Go on a vacation. There's lots of things to try - you said it yourself, its the same **** every do something different.

  2. I had the same relationship with a girl that is now a model in Manhattan. I don't regret breaking up with her a bit. She and I would meet each other, I would eat her (you know what) and she would suck....... It got old after a while. I finally started to rim her and even this crazy act became old. It just happens. And this proves personality matters.

    No, there is no hope and I promise if you stick it out you will only be missing out on a lot of fun. I love my life now.

  3. You pretty much just explained one of the many fatal flaws on marriage or any long term relationship.  

    I say what you are feeling is natural, you are not a bad person, God doesn't hate you, the world is not coming to an end, its just natural to be bored with the same thing.  And there's only so many ways you can "spice it up" with the same person.  Anyone who says they aren't bored are simply lying to themselves.

  4. do some activities you both enjoy. Go to Six Flags. Go out of state. Take a Boat trip. Play a sport together like tennis. Buy a pet if you don't have one.

    If you guys are driving somewhere at night tell him to stop the car and have s*x where no one's adventerous...and don't nag at him about how bored you are or how boring he is. That's just gonna make it worse. Come up with ideas and see what he wants to do. The s*x one always works though.

  5. OMG! I cant tell ya cause im going through the same s**t everyday too.


  6. No I don't get bored, we've been married almost 24 years and it's still getting better. If you want things to change then you're going have to be the one changing it and after a while he'll notice that you're initiating s*x more, wanting to do more with him then he'll want to do more for you and treat you good. Sometimes it just takes one person to step up to the plate to get things moving again. We don't mean to get in a rut but both sexes do but it is something that is easily fixed. Good luck, just remember that you can make it. You WILL  make it.  

  7. take an expensive vacation together and rack up the credit card...when you come back you will have some debt...but it will tkae your mind off the boredom.

    EDIT--Email seem very sweet!

  8. There is hope, just try mixing it up. You might have to take charge and tell him what positions you would like to do and prod him to that postion. Buy some s*x toys, d***o's vibrators some edible lubricants hopeully that will jump start his libido.

  9. everybody gets bored!  if not they are lieying

    but we try to make the best of it

    you are so right when you say , "and don't say talk to him".  

    yall need to go out on a stupid adventure, i mean something dangerous.  like rafting, climbing, camping with bears, fishing in south texas next to the chain saw masacre.  something dangerous should happen and you need to experience it together.  He would love to be the hero and you would love to be the princess in distress.  

    Dangerous activities build a strong "bond'' between a marriage.  

  10. HaHaHA. 9 years? I get bored after 9 minutes. That's the part that scares me about marriage. Same piece of A-- for the rest of my life. Only so many ways to toss it around.

  11. do something spontanious. something he wouldnt expect!

    Buy some s**y lingerie and give him a good weekend ;-)

    Buy a dog

    All I can suggest is spontanuity!

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