
I've been without power for 5 days...?

by  |  earlier

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I live in a moblie home. I own it but I rent the lot it's on.

Our power line, under ground, was damaged. It's up to maintance to fix it.

I've been givin the run around. I keep being told "It can be up to 7 days" every day I call for an update.

I have to stay at a hotel because with a fan its too hot to stay. My cat had to be boarded.

I'm using my rent money to surive right now. We live in IL.

Do I have a legal right to not pay rent this month? I've read the contract and there's nothing stating one way or the other and I've read some sites taht say I can, but I'm nervous to do so.




  1. Yes you do, however,  you need the courts permission to do it.  I would encourage you to call local code enforcement who will issue the landlord a citation..

    No electricity is considered an emergency and he should have had it working in less than 48 hours.

    However, to legally withhold rent, you must go to court and see if you can get an emergency hearing.

    You need to do this because not only should you not pay rent, but you need to be reimbursed for your expenses, even meals.

  2. The underground power line up to the trailer is actually the responsibility of the power company. So is the water, sewer and gas lines outside the home. "The landlord is only responsibility for the lines inside the mobile home if you rent it.  Since you own it, any power lines inside the house is your problem and the outside is the power companies  I suggest you call them before it gets worse, starts shorting out, and causing problem inside, like blowing appliances.

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