My father is getting remarried to a woman that he'll have been dating for only 9 months on their wedding date.The date is also a special one since it is the one year anniversary of my parents divorce. When he asked me to be a bridesmaid, he basically begged, so I agreed. The bridesmaid dress has already been ordered since the wedding is happening so quickly. But since I have told him that I'll be a bridesmaid, I've found out what a jerk my father has been to my mom. Once he is married he wants to cut down on the visiting time my mother has with my younger sister (I'm 18 so visiting rights no longer apply to me). He has been very mean to my mother the past few weeks. I could elaborate more, but that's besides the point
So now, how do I tell him that I've changed my mind and no longer wish to support this second marriage by being a part of the wedding party? Or is it too late?
Thanks for any help.