Hello community,
My boyfriend/live-in partner of four years just broke up with me after I confessed to having slept with a couple of people a year ago. He had left to travel for 3 months, and did some hurtful things before he left. All of my friends were in full force in trying to reason with me to break up with him... Most people told me not to tell him until he got back. When he got back, I had secured a place to move in (which fell through) and told him I was moving out. He asked me to stay and asked what he could work on between us. It was basically the same conversation I had had for the past two years, except this time around, he actually did change some of his behaviors. For over a year, i had been blissfully happy with him, and he with me.
I had told myself i would take the knowledge to my grave. However, a week ago he and i had a small truth session, and he admitted to locking lips with a coworker 3 years ago, and i felt that it was time to come clean, and perhaps he'd be understanding. Truth be told, he and i were thinking about marriage, and i knew i couldnt go forward with this in the closet. He is crushed and broke up with me that night and ordered me out the next day. I want to get back together with him (but stay in separate places), however I am not sure how to go about it. I know that i need to give him time, but he has serious trust issues. Should I wait for him or accept the consequences of my callous actions and move forward?