
I've decided I'm going to get drunk. Should I go and buy wine or vodka?

by  |  earlier

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oily dog.. red collar... that's exactly the kind of nuttiness i'm after, wine it is.




  1. Id go with vodka. wine makes me dehydrated and gives me a bad headache...what times the party start??

  2. This sure seems to be quite a dilema..Good luck on this rough decision.

  3. depends what gets you drunk quicker. I can drink heaps of vodka and not feel a thing, but 2 glasses of wine get me tipsy. Go for the wine, at least you'll feel sophisticated whilst getting drunk ;)

  4. aw..did someone have a bad day? go with wine..may taste better with the oily dog with red collar

  5. vodka will get you drunk quicker but is usually mor expensive then wine..well at least in aus wine is nearly cheaper then water cus we in a drought but wine industry is doin good

  6. vodka if you fancy a headache

  7. Can I come with?

    I vote for wine.

  8. vodka pour me one will ya

  9. i'd say go for jagermeister :)

  10. vodka will do the job faster & depending on how much you drink, you may have enough left for round 2

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