
I've decided to play for our school's rugby team this upcomeing season and i know nothing about rugbby. help?

by  |  earlier

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Just explain the rules to me and what i should do to train would be nice. don't get to technical on me, i know the basics but thats about it.




  1. well first things first~ get to know the people left and right of your position! trust me a good passing chemistry goes a long way. Do not get scared when a person is running at you with the ball,the worst thing you could do is to let him pass you without a fight! grab on to the person! anywhere any parts! the best technique to tackle is to aim for the thighs or lower~ with a lot practice you could tackle guys twice the size of u! Even if the guy wont fall, hold on slow him down! Ur mates will come and support  you~ Dont get intimidated if ur mates could spin pass and you cant~ its all above accuracy! some people could spin pass the ball but pass it to other ppl legs! aim of the chest!Plus when u pass the ball alway look at the person ur passing too, even pros in the world cup do this mistake by not looking end up giving the ball away


    1) Chemistry



    Practice Practice Practice, every opportunity you get to play rugby (break,lunch times,weekends,clubs) and watch rugby matches to get u inspired!

    Good Luck Hope U Get Chosen For The Team

  2. rugby rule number 1 get fit mate real fit the fitter you are the longer you will be a force on the field un fit players get broken real easy rugby is a beutiful game and it teaches good discipline  you should start of light just jog for a half  hour evry day for about a week then take that half an hour up to an hour with the last 15 minutes running  in between top speed and three quater speed start doing push ups and sit ups and pull ups maybe 100a day depending on your fitness levels  then just take them up by twenty evry other day heres something i do it might help you go down to the field and run fats count to ten in your head then just drop face down hard onto the ground do this for 15 minutes then extend the time by an extra ten minutes this will make your body hard i been doing that drill since i was 13 now im like stone

  3. For fitness go for a 30min fast jog. maybe do some weights if you have access to them. if not sit-up, press ups and pull ups would be good.

    and still work passing and kicking a ball around would be help full.

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