
I've develpoed a bad habbit while benching?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i am 14 years old and i can bench 95 lbs (3 sets, 8 reps ea set)...but i tend to bounce then bar off my chest slightly.....i know it is bad but i always do it for some reason....should i try to go down slower and not touch my chest? (like an inch off it?)




  1. well it depends on what your goal is.  in competition you have to touch your chest and you cannot bounce the bar. if you have to bounce the bar, then you are lacking some muscle, you should work with lighter weight, going down slowly until you touch your chest and exploding up with the bar.  

  2. i drop the bar as close to my chest as i can w/o touching it. im not sure if its the right way, but it works for me.  

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