
I've figured out who really behind the computer of all these trolls...?

by Guest55765  |  earlier

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It's all clear to me now....why didn't I think of it the moment these trolls came here?

Look how clear it looks.....why do you think everyone boos him?He likes to troll instead of doing his job!




  1. LOL! it must be him!!

  2. Dana.....dana......danna.....dannna.....


    Gonchar is that a troll in a Flan snack!!!

  3. Lol that one must be him

  4. haha, nice

  5. it must be him who suspended my previous 2 accounts...curse him!

    P.S.  nice crib!

    P.P.S. I agree with Jacoby...Lakers will take game 2

  6. yes he looks like a troll

  7. Stop blaming it on poor .... stupid Bettman, he sends his goons after us.That is his mom's basement, you are missing the WOW in the corner on the computer. He rides the trollmobile. That BITCHFAGBASTARDMACKINAWFUCKER

  8. hahaha. Nice. a cross between a troll and Mr. Bean

  9. he does look like a troll. i can't stand him. that was a pretty funny pic though

  10. LOL, I always thought these trolls, were the ones behind this...

    That picture of Bettman is so scary!!!!!!!!!! LOL

    Yourmom is probably Bettman, or his mom, lol

    ROTFL - I didn't even notice, OMG!!

    That is one sick person who took that picture of the troll.

  11. Genuis! Why didn't we think of this earlier? You don't honestly think he WORKS at his New York office all day, now do ya?

  12. LOL King. You're gonna lose you're bet. Lakers will take Game 2

  13. pure genius

  14. You might be onto something there. I wonder how he got rid of the fangs.

  15. I always said he looks like a mythical dwarf!

    LMFAO at that second pic! Does that look like a cat stuck on the ceiling?

    King - Oh, so he sleeps like a bat? No wonder his name sounds like Batman!

    King - Yea, that's his ride alright. It even has the nipple looking thing in front. Batman is perverted too!

    Gonchar - I have to say something perverted about your pic. That troll is naked in pudding, he dipped his popsickle in pudding! Puddin' pop! That was my old nickname! LMFAO

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