I have been a terrible person throughout my entire life and i'm now just realizing it. People have told me i'm fake, I'm only friends with the popular crowed, i repeat things I hear, ect. And i never believed it, nor did I care. I've made more mistakes than you can imagine, and screwed people over even more. I started watching this show not thinking it would impact me whatsoever. Because of the way I am I lost someone i really loved because I was horrible to him. I have tried to get him back over and over, but now i'm done. Once the too much damage it done there is nothing you can do about it. I'm finally realizing how horrible I am, and I am really looking forward to changing and i hope I can. I understand this is not an overnight change, but I can't lose anyone else i love. I want to stop hurting people. I want to stop being told how selfish i am and how i only think about myself. I want to be the good person I know I am deep down inside. I just no it. And now i'm going to prove it.