I had always been suspicious - never seen any photos of my mum pregnant with me and while both my parents have blonde hair mine is brown. I dunno, i just felt different. I've been through quite a few problems lately, struggling with school, eating disorders, relationship problems and haven't been getting on with my parents in general.
They're always arguing and i heard 'my dad' say the other day that he was thinking of moving out.
Anyway the other day both my parents sat me down and told me i was adopted when i was 4 months old. My real mum apparently was extremely young when she had me and couldn't cope. I asked my mum if she'd met my biological mum and she said yes she had when she was pregnant with me and she seemed nice but very very young and wasn't fit to raise a child, plus she came from a very strict Catholic family who wouldn't have wanted her to have a baby before being married. My mum has said to me that she loves me very much and even though there are no blood ties i am very much HER daughter. i know she doesn't want me to find my real mum and since she told me she hasn't spoken about it again or mentioned anything else to do with my real mum apart from what i asked her.
I love my mum, shes the one who raised me and brought me up. it's just everytime we have an argument, i feel like i want to find my real mum and see what she's like. I'm not bothered about who my real dad is...i bet my real mum doesnt even know if she was that young or if she does know she probably has no contact with him. My adopted dad and i have never really got on and he said he's going to move out. I don't know if i can do this to my mum but do you think i should try and find my biological mum? Just to see what she's like? I wouldn't go and live with her coz my mum is a great person - its just as i said, whenever i argue with her i feel like finding out what my real mum is like...if she is a bit more like me perhaps...if we look the same. I'm curious. What should i do? I am 16.