
I've gone through college not really having found a boyfriend, special friends, or dated?

by Guest33459  |  earlier

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This is my third year at this new college and I haven't really found a guy who likes me or if they do like me, they don't ask me out. I had a bunch of awkward moments with guys I liked because I probably made it obvious and it embarrassed them. At times I was too forward and at other times, I was too passive. Some guys found me intimidating and sometimes they intimidated me. I am usually not on the same page as some of these people. When they're stressed, I'm calm and vise versa. I guys seem to see right through my soul when they look into my eyes. So some of them avoid eye contact. I wish my eyes weren't so big.

Society makes it seem as if this is a big problem. I am trying to focus on my education or discuss it with this guy and he calls me desperate.




  1. hang in there, he's out there waiting for you

  2. Relax, this is no big problem. Focus on your education. Everyone has their soul mate, you'll find your soul mate in time.

  3. I am so sorry that this time which should be special for you is not working out well.  College is the time when most people make friends for life.

    You didn't ask a question, but if you wonder what is going wrong for you, I could make a guess.  We all send out signals, even when we do not intend to.  You want to connect with people, but at some level you seem to be building walls and sending out signals that you don't want to be approached.  I looked at your profile...Surprise!  There is nothing there.  Could it be that is a pattern in your life?  Are you withholding information in other ways?  If people wanted to get to know you, are they discouraged because you won't open up to them?

    What are your interests?  Why not share what you know about those interests with others?  Show interest in others and become active.  Make sure you are not unconsciously building walls.

    Good luck.  I hope things begin to change for you.

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