
I've got 11 guppys how often should i clean aquarium?

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i've got 11 guppys

how often should i clean aquarium out and how much water do i take out i have a under gravel filter and air pump in should i treat new water im going to put in before i add it




  1. Only clean when needed as the older water is full of goodness for the tank. Get better filters and maybe a gravel vacuum cleaner.  

  2. I would defiantly  suggest a better filter, and get a couple snails that your guppies wont eat :)

  3. depends on how large your tank is.  in general, you should clean out 20% of the water every week.  that's ok for a 10 gallon tank.  if your tank is 50 gallon with only 11 guppies, you can clean it every month.

  4. With 11 guppies, you want a better filter than that. Your tank will be dirty in no time.

    When you change the water, you will want to take out 1/4 to 1/3 of it every 2 weeks or so (this will depend on aquarium size and how dirty it is). And you should always treat the water before adding ti to the aquarium.

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