
I've got a brindle pug.?

by Guest44763  |  earlier

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and i wanna say s***w you to all the people who say he's not an "acceptable color." who cares??? he's awesome! my dog isn't like just any other dog, he's unique and i love him! he was the one brindle color out of a 5 puppy litter from a breeder in washington. I love my brindle pug! and no body can change that. (:




  1. Aww how cute!

    Though where is the questions?

  2. Good for you...but i don't think anyone cares. you love your dog and thats great.

  3. I have a brindle pomeranian! I don't mind it at all, I actually get a lot of compliments from his color. His first time to the vet, the aid was like "I've never seen a brindle pomeranian before. He is soo cute!" (=

  4. yeah who cares! As long as he has a loving family.

  5. Ok so what?

    His color is not accepted in the show ring..  so he's not show or breeding quality..  90-99% of dogs are not show or breeding quality anyways.

    That doesnt mean he's an unacceptable pet.  Love him as he is, despite his unique color.  He deserves love and good care as much as his black and fawn litter mates do.


    Ok so I did a search on "brindle pugs" in the answers.. I see questions that are 1-2 years old, and you expect people to know exactly what you are talking about?  I dont see any recent questions that would have caused you to bring this topic up.

    There's debate among other breeds about colors..  white in German shepherds and Dobes, for example.  In my breed there's a debate about blue eyes.  Each breed has a written standard that defines the breed's appearance.  Certain colors were bred for because the colors served a particular purpose, or the colors are to define the breed and what it is.  Some colors have been linked to health problems in certain breeds.

  6. If you have no ambition to show, then what difference does it make? As long as he is a good dog, the rest is not important!

  7. Okay, power to you?

    He *isn't* an acceptable color. But that SURE doesn't mean he isn't loveable.


    Okay, so it pisses you off that people spout out about the color of your Pug?

    You know how many times a DAY I get "Oh my, what an UGLY dog" or "Why would you want a Pug, they're so unhealthy and  ugly!! EWWW"

    Color doesn't even tip the iceberg on how much people despise Pugs.

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