
I've got a couple of months until my volleyball try-outs and i wanna be great what should i do so i am great!!

by  |  earlier

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I'm 5 ft. 8 in. and weigh 120 lbs!!!




  1. if u belong to a team then get some1 to do some passes with, if not n u have a volleyball draw a circle on a wall and dig the ball into the circle as much as u can improving on each try. and with ur hieght i must think u r a spiker so just spike agaisnt a wall as well n be sure u dont reach the ball from behind but infront but most importantly try n relax  cos if u got to much butterflies u will play bad. as a good volleyball player u have to know ur position on court and the simple basic rules. if u need rules lemme know.

  2. I had a friend that was on my team and to strengthen her legs and make her jump higher, during practic she would wear weights on her ankles and then during the game it was a lot easier for her to jump. Practice is the only way to get better. The more you play, the better you will get as long as you are practicing correctly.

  3. hey im on the volleyball team. since your pretty tall the coach will usually put you at the net, you'll probably hit and block, at tryouts dont show any sings of being nervous show the coach your confident, dont bend your arm, call for the ball, always be on your feet, stay low!! during tryouts coach will make you run some laps usually 3-4 laps or a mile run, practice crab suicides, it helps you to stay on your feet while your on the court.hoped i helped a little. GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  4. i'm the same height and weigh 119!!!! what a conincedense (that's spelled really wrong)!!!! But you should train, run a lot and stretch, do ab work outs and make sure to start on push ups. If you don’t start soon then you’ll pull muscles and be really sore (especially by your area, it hurts to walk up stairs and sit down to pee). Make sure to stretch your hamstream everyday at least. You should also practice. Set against a wall and practice shuffling and passing. Warm up your arms so when you take on serving they won’t be sore.

    Be confident and good luck

    (if your 5’8 you shouldn’t have a problem, they’ll look at you and fall in love!!!!)

  5. it's all about practice and keeping fit

  6. have you ever played before? is it school or club. just pepper, practice & other stuff. serve do wall hits, get some nice arms & abs strength. practice being talkative o nthe court. you know that kind of stuff

  7. Purchase a cheap practice volleyball - and then spend 20mins a day on various techniques until you have gained the confidence to use them as part of your arsenal of moves.

    Then practice with others so that you can do the full range of moves, that are used in volleyball - you can only a limited number of techniques by yourself.

    And if you get bored? Then work on left (your other hand) handed spikes and serves...

    You will not be in the correct position all the time - so that is why your other hand can be used.  When you are caught out in being the wrong position.

    If you put in the practice time - you will get the results out.

  8. hey i play volleyball too and i was on my middle school team

    well what you need is aim and power

    try playing with someone who knows how to play volleyball first

    and begin drills

    work on bump set and spike

    those are the 3 plays that people use

    and also have someone thrwo the ball at you and try to dive for it

    get kneeepads too

    cause the floor hurts lol

  9. practice, practice, pratice! If you know anyone else trying out or have any friends willing to do some drill with you-do it. Try playing pepper. Just practice bump, set, spike, and digging. If not familiar with pepper-Pepper is a kind of drill that the volleyball players use for warm ups. Players bump, set and spike just with the aim of keeping the ball as long as possible. There is no restriction on where to enjoy this exercise. Also if you can get access to a net, practice serving. A good serve can be the key to winning sometimes. Stay in shape. Run every day, keep your legs in good shape. Work those calf muscles!

  10. sound physically able to play.

    I just tried out for volleyball also and made the team.

    What my coach was mainly looking for was technique, but she also was looking at how well you do things (spiking, serving, etc.)

    When I tried out, I didn't  know much about volleyball, but now I know lots more.

    My advice to you is to pay close attention to what your coach(s) say, and try to follow THEIR technique, not YOURS.

  11. u should practice on like bumps, sets and spikes. u should as work on getting  the ball over the net. and try to work u on over hand severs and under hand sever.

  12. practice practice pratice! especially on your serving and passing. good luck!!

  13. Not only should you practice with the volleyball to get yourself acquainted with it, you should also condition. Many coaches look for physical endurance, especially if you are trying out for a club team. In a club team you will have to play games after games after games for many hours, and you will need to be in shape! Start running, if you dont have access to a road or a tread mill, jump rope is a great exercise. It exercises your arms, calfs, and improves your vertical. Also important to a player is technique.

    I would suggest bumping a volleyball against a wall, and try to hit the same spot.

    Then serve it against the wall, also trying to hit the same spot. A partner to pepper [bump, set and spike the volleyball] with would be really helpful.

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