
I've got a job at a newspaper, but I don't know what to write about!!?

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I recently got a job at our local newspaper writing a column for teens. It's a really fantastic oppurtunity for me but there's one problem: I don't know what to write about!

So I need your help. The column:

-Has to relate to teens and summer and

- Has to be 400 words or less

Does anyone have some good ideas??




  1. I think it is time you found yourself another job, as you do not appear to have the qualifications to work on a Newspaper.How did you get the job, ? was it just your charm, or where they so hard up to get someone it had to be you. Who ever gave you the interview has not got any qualifications either  for any interviews, or even to be  in that job themselves. If I was the Boss there they would get sacked as well. He cant be up to much  either.By the way I have no intention of writing your column for you, otherwise you would come to me every week.. !!

  2. just think about  things kids think about, you should write about what every you feel like!!!

  3. How about, "What teens do in the summer"

    "Are teens spending too much time indoors this summer?"

    "Are teens prepared to go back to school?"

    "Are the teenagers loosing their jobs this summer due to the new economic crisis?"

    "Teens, hit the streets and the beach, ITS SUMMER!"

    I don't know, just some ideas to bounce around.

  4. Step outside and interview the first teens that you see about what they are doing for the summer, what their expectations are for the next school year, what their plans are following graduation, what issues their parents (or they if they are of voting age) considering in the upcoming elections, what their favorite book or movie is, etc.

    Good luck.

  5. Sun set concert,Disturbed and slipknot concert,420 concert,i have lots to tell......

  6. You should write about how today's teens have absolutely no writing skills as evident by the complete lack of grammar and spelling in yahoo answers (not by you, you write well). It depresses me seeing the stuff written here by teens who couldn't care less that they have the writing skills of a drunk monkey.

    PS, I hit "report it" on Funny Game's lame insult.

  7. How the h**l did you get the job then :S you certainly don't deserve it or have the talent to do anything to do with journalism THAT is evident.

    But anyway, to answer your question, why dont you write an article about teens fashion during summer and give examples of celebrities who also dress like that. Like how guys are wearing khaki shorts and long-sleeveed t-shirts with plimsole type "top-man" shoes, Im not sure about girls, I only know that because it's what I wear :D

  8. You don't know what to write about? I guess you should say you had a job at your local newspaper.

  9. find out ideas and events/things to do in the summer in your area for teens. Teens are always looking for stuff to do in the summer. Also, try and find gossip about stuff too.

    good luck with the new job

  10. Do a column about what teens do in the summer, it is way too easy. Go around town and interview different teens about what they are doing to keep busy. Some might be working, so you can talk about different jobs, some might be into recreation, some into relaxation, that would be an interesting story.

  11. Write about what to do this summer

    write about getting ready for school

    write about local museums exhibits

  12. - write about what teens are doing this summer

    - write about the tragedies surrounding teens (how many are killed in car crashes, over doses at parties, etc.)

    - write about "hot spots" for teens (all ages clubs, etc.)

    good luck.

  13. that depends on how much of a cut your gonna give me, i mean we can't earn your money for you, be serious.

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