
I've got a question, it askes to read articles 4 and 6 of the constitution and show how each provision has....

by  |  earlier

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helped to "ensure domestic Tranquility."

I have read articles 4 and 6, but I can't seem to understand it. So it would be really great if someone could please help me.

By the way, this is not homework.




  1. What does this have to do with the Special Education of Students with Disabilities?

  2. it says that you can't hurt people you don't know and stuff. Also u must feed kids cause kisa can't feed themselfs and that you can't do syuff like throw rocks and stuff and people dogs or houses. if this isn't homework what s it your 1st sentence preety much says it is - yes? are usxing here cause u r special ed student?

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