
I've got e-mail from UK National Lottery that I win GBP 1.000.000, that is tue ? I'm from Indonesia?

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I've got e-mail from UK National Lottery that I win GBP 1.000.000, that is tue ? I'm from Indonesia?




  1. It's a scam

  2. It's a scam - ditch it!!!!!!!

  3. if you haven't bought a ticket it's a scam, if you have then you will have a method of contacting the Lottery people and you can check if it is true. DON'T rely solely on the sender of the of message.

  4. Above the email there is a button that says 'Delete'.

    Hit it.

  5. It's a scam.  Quite a few questions about that one lately.  It's difficult to win a lottery, if you haven't bought a ticket.

  6. Sorry friend but there is no Microsoft, Yahoo or other e-mail lottery, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information

    .Also If you go to the following site you will get some info on ID theft the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful

  7. it's a huge scam, it will s***w u up, dont accept

  8. I think someone's pulling your ding-ding.

    It's a scam, friend. Beware.

  9. not

  10. I think it is not true because here in our country I've receive some messenges like that, but I you really join that maybe it's true...

  11. this has SCAM writing all over it

  12. No it is not real, the UK national lottery would only award prizes to those that have purchased a ticket in the UK.

    Sorry, its a scam

  13. It's a very common scam. Delete it and forget it.

  14. Scam, I know about 2 people that actually believed it you will end up paying them overtime dont believe it and delete the email. You could report it if you want to aswell- no offence to you but how could you have won the uk lottery if your from indonesia and you havnt bought a lottery ticket!

  15. SCAM

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