
I've got flatmate trouble?

by  |  earlier

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I love my flat mate to death but sick of him always getting a free ride, not just with me but everyone he socialises with.... I was wondering if anyone know a subtle way I can point this out to him...




  1. what do u mean always getting a free ride???

  2. Hey, I don´t think there is a subtle way. I had  a horrible flatmate last year, and I never said anything about her slovenliness, her dislike of helping with the bills, anything. Till I blew up one day and really hurt her feelings. Sit down with him and explain. I´m sure he´ll understand, good luck!

  3. Its simple...avoid giving him rides. Leave without him noticing a couple of times and other times just say that ur taking another route or that u have to go somewhere first and to drop him off he'd hav to meet u at that place and then go to wherever he wants to go. He'l soon start asking u less frequently for rides and will prefer riding with other ppl but u cant subtly point that out without makng a drunk joke bout it or somethin.  

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