
I've got this new peice of no clue how to play it...?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i'm doing marching band and i have no clue how to play the music and i have to have it memerized by next week r there any websites yall know of that may help?




  1. This is what I do for marching band:

    Work on the first four measures. Then next time you practice, add 4 more measures. Keep adding 4 measures until you have the whole piece memorized. Good luck! :)

  2. can you find a recording of the song?

    at my marching band we record our songs and then the band director sends the mp3 files out to us, maybe you can try that..

    I'm hopeless at memorising music too !

    take it slowly, and look for patterns ie. does it repeat or make up words to it ! i know it sounds ridiculously but that's what we do in our sectionals especially if it's a funky rhythm.

    hope that helps !

    good luck !

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