
I've got this weird thing on my thy???

by  |  earlier

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On the side of my thigh, I used to have this pimple. Well I popped it about a month ago, but it never healed.

Now all that's there is weird purplish-red bump thing. It's like it left a dot when I popped the pimple.

What could it be??




  1. Nothing to worry about. It will go away in about another month.

  2. its a scar

  3. you had an infected hair follicle and it will take a while to heal.  the dot is the actual hair follicle - its ok.  its best never to pop spots / boils as it can cause infection to the surrounding follicles - making more spots.  Im sure that the purple red lump will go eventually but next time if its so big go to a doctor to get is lanced - its safe and sterile.

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